Chapter 23||

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'I'm not afraid to die and you shouldn't be afraid to let me'

I hastily pushed my way through the slightly crowded hallway of the school as I all but sped walked over to my locker. A strong pair of hands suddenly wrapped around my waist as I was pulled into a nearby secluded  hallway, a surprised squeal  escaping past my lips at the quick, unexpected movement.

Before I knew it, a pair of lips descending upon mine with much haste and desperation. Of course I immediately knew who it was and in return, I wrapped my arms around Elijah's neck as our lips moved against each other. The past week has been much like this for us, stolen kisses in secluded or not so secluded hallways and endless flirting during classes.

We weren't exactly a couple as yet, neither of us ready to dive right in and make anything official but we knew where we stood with each other and I was okay with that.

"Fuck." Elijah cursed with a smile as he pulled away from me, short breaths escaping past his plump lips.

"Good morning to you too." I greeted with a smile of my own.

As mad as I was at Elijah the other day, the minute he admitted that he had feelings for me, that anger melted away and it was instantly replaced by an overwhelming feeling of admiration. I didn't need to tell Elijah how I'd felt about him after that because I was sure that the kiss we shared after had said everything that I didn't. The feelings I had for him were intense, so much so that they often scared me but I'd learnt to simply keep them at bay in fear that I'd say the wrong thing too soon.

"You do know that people are still able to see us from here?" I said as I gave a subtle nod to the few students that glanced at us curiously, probably surprised by our close proximity.

Elijah stood before me, his hands wrapped against my waist, forehead against mine as he trapped my body to the wall. He set a harsh glare on the lingering eyes about the hallway with a frown. 

"I don't care about them. They should mind their own business." He said.

"Well, I do. I don't want us getting detention for PDA." I said as I gave him a slight shove. He willingly took a few steps back with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I don't get why they always stare. It's fucking creepy."

"Well, almost all the girls here have a thing for you." I said with a small eye roll.

"Jealous, are we?" He teased as I pushed myself from off the wall.

"Why would I be?" I scoffed as I then continued my walk to my locker as was my previous destination. Elijah quickly fell into step with me, his hands finding mine as he held it tightly in his own. I fought rather hard to tame the blush that attempted to take over my cheeks.

"I guess you're right." He agreed. "I'm all yours Tessa."

I inwardly beamed as I bit down on my lip at Elijah's words. He was all mine and although I hadn't said it, I was his as well.

Elijah's lean body pressed casually againsy the locker beside mine as I collected the books I needed for class, still trying to peice the fact that Elijah Hastings had feelings for me.

"Hey Tess, could you possibly accompany me to the hospital today to see Emily after school. I've missed her. The nurses said she really isn't that good lately."

I frowned as I turned to glance at him, taking note of the pained expression on his face. Slamming my locker door shut, I approached him as I wrapped my arms around his torso, ignoring the obvious stares we were receiving.

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