Chapter 36||

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'We all make mistakes. Don't let that be the reason you give up on somebody'

"Damn, what did that poor pencil do to you?" A voice chuckled from beside me in amusement.

I laughed quietly, my tight grip on the pencil in my hand loosening as I let it fall to the table. I turned slightly to see Jace packing away his books as the classroom slowly began clearing out, most speedily heading to the cafeteria for lunch.

I'd been so caught up in my own thoughts that I had failed to notice that the bell had went, indicating the end of the lesson. Most of the class had already cleared out by now leaving only a few lingering about.

"Hey," I greeted him with a small smile.

"You okay?" He asked in slight concern. I nodded stiffly in response, stuffing my books into my bag and zipping it up. "I find that hard to believe."

"Just a little under the weather today," I answered almost truthfully. I was indeed feeling unwell but that certainly wasn't the reason I'd been gripping the pencil that tightly. Like every other day that Elijah and I hadn't spoken, my mind had wondered to him. Three days had gone by and Elijah and I hadn't spoken one word to each other since our fight. He refused to see that he'd been wrong and I refused to see anything but that.

Least to say we were both stubborn.

We hadn't even sat at the same table for lunch in awhile now. He actually never showed up to the cafeteria nor the few classes we shared together. I found that extremely petty but I was also happy that I didn't have to see his stupid face around either until he admitted that he was, in fact, wrong.

He had no right to lie to me, even if he claimed he was protecting me. Not to mention that boyfriend stealing Andréa. To think that he didn't even bother mentioning whatever the fuck it was that happened between the two of them that night, now had me doubting our relationship.

"Are you sure that's it?" Jace asked. "I don't mean to pry but everyone has noticed that you and Elijah haven't been uh--close lately. Did you guys break up or something?"

I wasn't surprised that rumors of a breakup had spurred around the student population. I'd forgotten for a brief moment who Elijah was at Crystal Gates High. Of course they were all interested in the love life of the school renowned 'bad boy'.

I was uncomfortable with his question but I didn't shoot it down. "We're uh- having a disagreement, I guess?"

"Oh," He mumbled, eyes cast downwards. "Sorry."

"It's fine," I waved him off as I stood to my feet, slipping my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey, do you maybe want to hang out at the bleachers for lunch? It's a nice day out and I'm sure you could use the sunshine. I don't mean to say it but you look a bit pale."

"Hey!" I called out in offence. Jace chuckled in response as we exited the classroom together after I'd agreed. Bella wasn't in school today anyway so I guess I didn't mind the company. We entered the lunch line together, picking our food up before we headed for the bleachers.

My walking came to a halt as I noticed Elijah at the end of the hallway outside the cafeteria, slouched against a locker as Nicole was pressed against his body, her hand running against his chest as she said something to him. Elijah looked disinterested but he also didn't shove her off which made me upset. We're having a fight which is all his fault and he decided to allow that sleaze to rub up all over him.

He seemed to sense the pair of heated eyes on him as he glanced up at me, immediately pushing Nicole away from him as she stumbled back, screeching in surprise. His eyes looked clouded in guilt and regret as he watched me intently from where he stood, ignoring Nicole's desperate calls for his attention.

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