Chapter 11||

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"A true friend is someone who could see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else and yourself."

"What?" He muttered, glancing at me.

"Let me come with you. In fact, I know I great place we can go." I offered again.


"Tessa." I corrected. We are not going back to last name basis.

"Tessa, I think it's best if I'm alone." He said firmly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Besides, another thing friends do is help eachother out when the other is in need. Right now, you're in need and I want to help you out." I argued.

"Ok fine but I'm picking where we go." He gave in as I nodded almost too eagerly.

"I'll ride with you and pick up my car after we're done." I said, glancing at my watch which marked a little after six thirty.

"Come on then." He said as he unlocked his truck, allowing me to jump in the passenger seat before shutting the door and heading over to the driver's side. Once he was in the car, he glanced at me as I defensively raised my hands.

"I know, I know. Seatbelt McCarthy." I mimicked his husky voice as I clicked the belt in place. Once I was secured in my seat, he drove off. 

"Brown's Cafe?" I said aloud as I read the neon sign of the small, quaint cafe he pulled into.

"This place has the best cheeseburgers and milkshake and it's what calms me down after a visit to the hospital." Elijah explained as we both hopped out of the truck. I quickly fell in step with Elijah as we made our way to the cafe's entrance, our hands brushing against each other gently.

The small bell above the door of the cafe jingled as we enter, alerting the few persons inside of our presence. We walked towards a booth in the far corner as Elijah easily slipped in, resting his coat on the space beside him. Before I got caught blatantly staring at his every move, I quickly slipped in the seat on the opposite side, folding my hands on the table.

"Jeff told me he saw you enter a while ago." Came a female voice, interrupting any conversation we were about to initiate. I glanced up at the familiar looking lady that stood beside the table, clad in the cafe's dark red waitress uniform. She smiled lightly at Elijah, pushing her glasses up her nose and slipping a pen out of her messy bun.

"Mama? What are you doing here? You shift ending three hours ago." Elijah said, startled as he sat upright, eyebrows furrowed. Of course, Elijah's mother. I saw her about three times or so at the hospital. She looked a bit younger than I remembered. She resembled Elijah very little, whilst his hair was a chestnut brown and curly, her's was pin straight and jet black but they both did have the same mossy green eyes and smile.

"It's nothing Eli. I'm just working a bit over time. You know with Tommy's birthday coming up and all, I wanted to buy him something." She explained with a small smile contrasting to Elijah's deep frown.

"You cannot keep doing this. You should be at home, resting. Tommy doesn't need anything for his birthday. when he's got a roof over his head and food to eat." Elijah argued.

"Oh hush." She dismissed him quickly before glancing at me, an even wider smile on her face. "Who's this Elijah? You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend."

"Ma!" Elijah scolded her, eyes narrowed.

I almost choked on my own saliva at her assumption. Elijah and I? Together? Impossible!

"No Mrs. Hastings I'm not his girlfriend, I'm just his friend who happens to be a girl." I laughed lightly at my utter embarrassment.

"Call me Anne darling. Forgive me for my assumption. What's your name?"

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