The Beginning of The End (Pt. 2)||

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08:30 pm

"Okay, Hastings, we're gonna drop you off as close as possible to the warehouse and you'll take it from there," Chief McCarthy explained to Elijah as they neared his drop off destination. "Once you take off to the Mayor's residence, we're gonna follow in two unmarked cars and wait for your signal once the guys are inside."

Elijah nodded along to the set of instructions that've been practically drilled into his head. The plan seemed simple enough. All they needed was for Richard's guys to enter the Mayor's house and they could take him in once Eli gives the signal by pressing on the small frequency button in his pocket. 

Having warned the Mayor of the plot against him, both him and his wife have been moved to a secure location unknown to anyone besides those directly involved in the operation.

"Remember that you're wired but you haven't got a vest on so try and be careful. If anything looks too off you need to signal for help right away, Hastings. We cannot enter unless you've given the signal so it's important that you do."

"I got it," Elijah nodded, a slight wave of nervousness seeping through his body. Just as he's about to exit the van, he turned towards the Chief and asks him a favor. "If for some reason something goes wrong and I don't make it just tell my family that I'm sorry and that I love them."

"No message to Tess?" The Chief asked with an eyebrow raised.

Elijah chuckled as looked out the window of the van. "She is my family, Chief."

"Well, I promised my daughter that I won't be returning you in a body bag and I intend on keeping that promise so don't get hurt dumbass." 

Elijah chuckled as he nodded slowly, eyes cast down just as the van came to a stop. With one final nod at the Chief, he exited the van and began walking over to the warehouse up the street.

"This is it, Eli."

The warehouse is eerily calm as Elijah entered. There's only a handful of men running around and barking orders whilst suiting up for what they believed was going to be their biggest pay day. At the center of it all, was the man that'd made Elijah's life a living hell for the past eighteen years; Richard.

Not anymore however because it all ended tonight. It was, in fact, the beginning of the end.

"Son," Richard shot Elijah a cheesed grin as the boy approached him. "Glad you could make it."

Elijah simply grunted in response, shoving his hands into his jean pockets as his finger brushed the cold metal of the necklace nestled safely there. His good luck charm.

"When're we leaving? Thought you said nine sharp?" Elijah asked coolly as his eyes roamed over the men in the room.

"Running a bit late, is all. You excited or something?" Richard asked somewhat suspiciously.

"I'm just looking to get this over with," Elijah shrugged.

"Lovely evening isn't it, Elijah?" Jace smirked as he waltzed into the room, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. "I heard Tess is finally home from the hospital. I'm glad to hear she's okay, you know, besides the broken bones."

There's a hint of amusement in his tone and it takes everything in Elijah not to reach over and choke the bastard out.

"Fuck you."

Jace laughed loudly in response to Elijah's insult before patting the him on the shoulder. Having enough of his bullshit, Elijah grabbed him roughly by the collar and raises him the few inches it takes for them to be eye level. "If you think for one second that I'm above punching you in the fucking face like I did that night, you'd better think a-fucking-gain asshole."

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