His Reason||

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**************Several Months Ago******************

"Elijah," Principal Gunther called as he attempted yet again to coax the troubled boy out of his thoughts.

The brooding young man shifted in the stiff and uncomfortable leather seat as his intense green eyes snapped up to face the severely sweaty older gentleman. Elijah did not let the disgust on his face fade as he glanced up at the man and glared.

He was angry as usual. There wasn't a time he wasn't really but at the moment, he was much angrier than normal.

"What?" The boy glared in reply.

"I was just asking if you're okay to return to classes after your..." The man trialed off, unsure of how to phrase the statement without offending Elijah. "Incident." He finally settled with.

"I'm fine. Can I fucking leave now?" 

"Yes, you-" Before the principal could've finished his sentence, Elijah was already on his feet and slamming the office door shut.

With clenched fists and narrowed eyes, he made his way to class, thankful that the bell had already gone and that the hallways were now cleared. Due to the blabbering fuck that lived close by, everyone now knew of his incident as Principal Gunther had so kindly put it. He was now the suicidal fucking boy which meant he was suddenly of interest to everyone in the God forsaken building.

Elijah didn't like much attention, though it was something he received an ample amount of. He was a loner, the kind wo enjoyed silence and enjoyed no one's company but his own. He also enjoyed personal space but many didn't seem to acknowledge that which only left him to snap at them. Then suddenly he was the bad guy for wanting to defend his space.

Fuck that and fuck them.

Elijah entered into the classroom just as an immediate spell of silence washed over the room once he'd slammed the door open and stepped in.

His heavy dirt boots dragged lazily with him as he made his way in, long legs clad in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt hugging his chest and of course his all too familiar worn leather jacket thrown casually over his shoulder.

His dark and calculated green eyes scanned the room, seemingly bored, his pink lips pulled into a frown. Sighing heavily at the unwanted attention, he raised a hand, treading it through his wavy brown locks before turning to the teacher.

"Sorry I'm late," He apologized in his usual bored tone before dragging himself to the back of the class, all twenty-four pairs of eyes glued to him as he did so.

It took everything in him not to curse them out for the annoying stares. 

So what, I tired to kill myself, what's so fascinating about that?

There was one particular set of eyes however that left a searing feeling on him as they were glued to him unrelentingly. Tessa McCarthy was her name if he remembered correctly. He'd seen her around school sometimes and had acknowledged that she was pretty to himself on multiple occasions. But right now, it didn't matter how pretty she was, her staring was bothering him.

Elijah shot her a pointed look, irritated with her unnecessary stare and curious eyes. Once she'd realized that he was, in fact, annoyed with her blatant staring, she glanced away and Elijah settled into his seat.

His gaze however remained trained on the back of her head for the rets of the class. He couldn't tell why he suddenly found an interest in the back of her head but it was a good distraction for the remaining hour.

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