Chapter 34||

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*Long Chapter Ahead*

Elijah's fingers tapped against the steering wheel of the car he was sat in as his eyes trailed to the retreating figure of petite girl who had just cleared out of the vehicle. His green eyes stayed glued to her up until she'd safely made it inside, locking the door behind her.

He let out a breath that he wasn't even aware he was holding, unsure if it was out of frustration or relief.  He didn't feel comfortable  leaving her alone at night in light of recent events but he knew he couldn't take the chance of staying with her either. His father was a ruthless man, Elijah knew that for sure. He'd been on the receiving end of his wrath one too many times to take anything he said as a joke. So, with that thought in mind, he'd started up the engine of the car and pulled out of the driveway, praying that he'd made the right decision.

The drive to the location that'd been texted to his phone earlier was seemingly quick and within thirty minutes, Elijah had pulled up at the given pick up  point.

"Took you long enough," The scarred man spat as he watched Elijah clear out the vehicle, hands in his pockets. The young boy shot a nasty glare at the man he was forced to call his father as he approached the group of three men in a few quick steps.

"Well I'm here, aren't I?" Was Elijah's sarcastic response as he came to a halt.

"You're cutting it quite close kid but I knew you'd show up. Wouldn't want your little girlfriend getting hurt now, would we?" The man tantalized,  happy to have struck a nerve as he watched Elijah's jaw clench. "Such a lovely girl that Tessa."

"Don't mention her fucking name you piece of shit," Elijah ground out as his fists wrapped around a ball of the man's shirt.

"Easy," A tall, brown skinned man warned. Elijah roughly let go of his father's shirt, glad to see he stumbled a bit.

"Can we just get this shit over with already?" Elijah asked in agitation. He so desperately wanted to leave and just be home with the girl who held his heart so dearly. He wanted nothing more than to have her wrapped around him like a vice as she slept peacefully in his arms where she'd be safe.

"Right," His father nodded as he signalled to the two men with him. They both retrieved two large metal boxes from their own nearby vehicle before popping Elijah's trunk open and dropping them in.

"What's in the boxes?" Elijah asked as he nodded to the car.

"Wouldn't you like to know? That's confidential."

"I mean, I'm risking my life for this shit. The least you could do us tell me what the fuck I'm transporting," Elijah cursed.

"We're making a simple drop off tonight at Westpoint Dock. It's about an hour from here. Cory and Nick  will be riding with you and I'll be following closely behind. I am not to be seen at the docks," His father explained. "Once we've made the drop, you can crawl home to your girl until I need you again. Any questions?"

Elijah remained silent as he abruptly turned on his heels, not bothering to answer the man as he climbed into his car, slamming the door shut. Cory, the brown skinned man, took the passenger seat beside Elijah as Nick jumped in the back.

"Richard said to warn  you that if there's any funny business, your girl would be dead before you can even blink. We've got people watching her place as we speak and if I'm correct, she's all alone," Nic said with a smirk. Elijah's hand tightened around the steering wheel as he glared ahead, blinding rage filling him at the thought of his girl being watched. He just hoped by now that Tessa had learnt her lesson about leaving her curtains open.

"You got that, kid?" Cory asked at Elijah's lack of reply.

"I got it," He ground out before starting the engine and pulling off, aware of Richard in the car behind them.

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