Chapter 39||

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*This chapter is written in 3rd person but it's basically Elijah's POV*

'He brought a little light"

There's something about Tessa McCarthy that is so fascinating to Elijah that he's constantly forced to remind himself that their relationship was, in fact, real and not a figure of his imagination. It surprised him that someone so kind hearted and selfless could ever be with someone like him, who -- for lack of a better word -- was an absolute asshole.

They were like night and day -- complete opposites that couldn't exist without the other.

He's constantly in awe of her and her beauty and at times, though he may never show it or admit it out loud, he's insecure about what she sees in him.

She's brought so much light and meaning to his life -- given it a purpose and all he's done is brought darkness to hers. She was his Angel -- that's what he enjoyed thinking of her as and though he wasn't remotely religious, he thanked the big guy for putting her in his life.

He's undeserving of her love, he knows it but he's also grateful. Whatever supreme being there was in the Universe, decided to give him Tessa and for that he was grateful and willing to live another day.

Elijah watches the girl he's able to call his own with nervous eyes. She's sat in the passenger seat of his beat up truck, bouncing in quiet excitement of the unknown with a dark strip of cloth, serving as a makeshift blindfold, wrapped around her eyes.

The brooding boy is in awe of her beauty. Her pouty lips sing along terribly to the lyrics of the trash pop song on the radio as she rests in the passenger seat. The sound is grating but he'd never tell her to stop because she seems happy and he's willing to give up hearing for her happiness. She's dressed in a small yellow summer dress with a v-neckline that Elijah appreciates as his necklace is on full display around her neck.

It's a simple, subtle claim he's able to make on her and he's aware he sounds almost barbaric, it's just who he is.

The dress exposes her supple thighs that Elijah's ring covered hand has considered home for the past nine hours they've been driving. Goosebumps ghost over the pale skin at times as he caresses the soft flesh and Elijah smirks at her reaction.

"Are we almost there?" Her melodic voice brings him out of his thoughts.

"Almost," The boy simply answers.

She's impatient, he can tell. Her fidgeting actions say alot and he's surprised that she hadn't pried more than she did when he'd shown up at her home at the crack of dawn, demanding that she pack an overnight bag before hauling her into his truck and blindfolding her.

One would think he's about to murder her now that he reflects on his earlier actions.

"Can I atleast get a hint since we're almost there?" The girl tries again.

Elijah pinches her leg gently and she slaps his hand away with a squeak.

Not a second later does his hand return. She doesn't protest and the boy silently smiles.

"That would ruin the point of it being a surpise -- it's just a little while longer."

Tessa is silent after that and Elijah is grateful because he needs a while to gather his thoughts. He's nervous and scared that she might not like the surprise he's planned.

He's never done anything remotely romantic or caring for any girl he's been with before and with Tessa, he wants everything to be perfect.

He's afraid that he'd maybe crossed a line and this would all crash and burn in the blink of an eye but then he remembers that he knows his Angel like the back of his hand. He's sure she'll want this.

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