Chapter 38||

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*Long Chapter Ahead*

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It was everywhere. I wasn't aware that Elijah's known explosive anger could reach to the point where he'd all but killed a person.

I could vividly see Jace's bloodied and unconscious body lying in the middle of the parking lot every time I shut my eyes. I could see Parker attempting to drag Elijah away from a disoriented yet smug Jace who just couldn't stop talking about all the things he's have done to me had we not been interrupted. 

I could hear myself shouting at Elijah to stop. 

He didn't stop. 

That wasn't until two police officers were dragging him away from Jace and slamming him against the hood of their car as they slapped a pair of hand cuffs around his wrists, reciting his rites.

That was what led us where we currently were; Elijah behind bars in a jail cell and me not so calmly trying to convince the officers that he is, in fact, innocent-- somewhat.

"You don't understand," I sighed as I slammed my palms against the table in frustration. "Elijah was just defending me."

"We know he's your boyfriend kid and that you'll say anything to defend him which means that your word ain't exactly gospel," Officer Charles spoke. "If that gang member hurt you and that kid in the hospital all you got to do is say it."

"Gang member?" I echoed as I settled back in the metal chair. "Elijah is not a gang member."

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say Miss. McCarthy."

Before I reply with something to wipe that smug look off of Officer Charles' face, the door to the interrogation room slammed open. 

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as my father's towering figure waltzed into the room. The two officers in the room stood up out of respect as I slumped into my chair, hanging my head as I prepared for the incoming lecture.

"Chief McCarthy," They both greeted quite robotically.

"Thanks for calling me in, Charles. I'll take it from here."

The two officers nodded respectfully before exiting through the door. I waited patiently for my father's inevitable lecture but moments passed with nothing but utter silence lingering in the room-- that and an unmistakable air of tension so thick, you'd be able to slice through it with a butcher's knife.

My father did nothing but continuously pace the length of the room behind me, his shoes squeaking annoyingly with each step as my anxiety rose due to his lack of words.

"Have we done something to upset you?" He finally spoke. His words surprised me but his tone didn't. It was filled with the same distaste and trace of malice that it usually had. It seemed that as the days went by, he began sounding more and more like my mother-- resentful to my entire existence.

"What?" I asked as I spun around to face him in my seat.

"Hanging out with this Hastings kid, it is your way of rebelling against you mother and I for what happened with Killian? Is it because we're not home much, is that what this is?" He asked as he finally took a seat in the available chair in front of me.

"You think that Elijah is my way of rebelling against you?" I asked in amusement, bowing my head in an over enthusiastic laugh.

"Well, that's the only logical explanation I could come up with for your outrageous behavior!" He shouted in rage. "Do you know how embarrassing it is for me to be in this position? My daughter getting into a parking lot brawl with the town's resident delinquent!"

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