Chapter 42||

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'The turmoil we face is better faced when not alone' -- Peter Angst

*Short Chapter*

I couldn't put into words the turmoil that the Hastings family faced following Emily's death. Each member had found their own way of grieving over the tragic loss and I'd found myself turning up at their solemn apartment more often that not in order to check up on them.

Tommy had locked himself in his room most of the time, I heard him cry each time I passed by. It took a lot of convincing to get him to leave to at least get food-- which was alien behavior as Elijah had mentioned his love for food.

Anne, on the other hand, had decided to take a much more unhealthy and dangerous route to the grieving process. Alcohol had become her comforting arms. It'd been four days since Emily's passing and she hasn't been sober once. I was in no place to judge as I did not understand the loss of a child and I hoped that I never would. I was, however, extremely worried as she often drove whilst intoxicated.


I wasn't sure what to say about Elijah and how he was handling it because quite frankly, I don't think he was handling it at all. He hasn't shed a tear since the night at the hospital nor has he taken the time to talk about how he felt. Instead, he'd found himself taking care of his amiss family members whilst juggling funeral plans that his mother hadn't bother making.

He'd also found himself accepting more shifty jobs from his father and I'd say that worried me the most.

"Fuck," I cursed as I dropped the hot baking pan of pasta unto the counter top. I swiftly brought my thumb to my lips as I attempted to ease the pain pulsing though my finger tips.

"You okay?" Elijah asked quietly as he popped into the kitchen, green eyes watching me warily.

I was surprised that he actually checked in on me. We haven't spoken much since that night. We'd only said a few words to each other in passing and I was worried that Emily's passing would put a strain on our relationship. 

Of course it wasn't my top priority or main worry but the thought still lingered

"Uh yeah, I just burnt myself," I explained as I pulled my hands away from my mouth, "Again."

"I've told you at least ten times that you don't have to be here-- cooking and cleaning for us. I can--"

"--Handle it," I finished for him with a small smile. "You've been handling a lot lately, Elijah. This is the least I could do for you."

"What'd you make?" He asked as he waltzed further in, leaning his hip against the counter.

"I made baked pasta -- it's a recipe I found online. I also heard it's one of Tommy's favorite and I'm hoping it won't take much to convince him to have dinner tonight," I said as I busied myself around the kitchen.

Elijah sighed loudly behind me before I felt his warm hands wrapping around my waist, his face falling into the crook of my neck. "Thank you for being here."

I reached up to squeeze his hands gently. "You don't need to thank me, Elijah."

"No, I feel like I do. Everything's a mess right now and I feel like you're the only thing keeping me sane," He admitted. "I feel like everything's falling part, Tess. Mum and Tommy aren't okay and I don't know how to fix this. It's killing me."

"Hey," I called softly as I spun around to face him, my hands cupping his lightly stubbled jaw. "I know you're worried about them and  making sure they're okay but I think you should take a minute for yourself, Elijah."

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