Chapter 31||

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'My whole life flashed before my eyes. Why was it when I was in a near death experience, my first thought was You?' - Unknown

"Seatbelt, babe," Elijah commented as he motioned for me to strap in as I entered the truck.

After what I'd say was an uneventful day at school, we were headed to the hospital to see Emily as per my request. Elijah had been jittery about the visit all day after I'd brought it up earlier and  I'd tried to reassure him that it was okay but I knew my words were futile.

His sister was dying and he was yet to come to terms with it. I didn't want to push him so I simply let him be. Emily meant everything to Elijah and to his entire family. I'd only know her for a short period of time and I felt downright broken over what was to come in just a few months. She was going to leave and she was never coming back. I could only imagine how Elijah felt at this point, not to mention Anne and Tommy.

I knew that when Emily was gone, Elijah wasn't going to be okay. He would try to put up a front just for his mother and Tommy but I was going to be there for him because I'd come to the realization that I was beyond just caring for Elijah Hastings.

I loved him.

It had come as shock for me to admit that to myself but there was no denying it. I was in love with this selfless boy and it did scare me but there wasn't any going back, I'm far too in it already.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Elijah's voice broke my train of thoughts.

Of course I wasn't going to actually tell him what was on my mind. That would be crazy so I said the next best thing.

"I find it rather ironic that you never wear your seatbelt but always instruct me to wear mine," I rolled my eyes at him whilst strapping in.

"Well I care for your safety more than I do mine and to be fair, seatbelts make me feel constricted."

"That's a terrible excuse because I, in fact , do care for your safety."

"Good to know you care, love."

"I'd really prefer it if you did wear it though," I pleaded, shooting him a glance. "It'll make me feel better. Less anxious."

"I'll be fine, baby," He rolled his eyes, hand rubbing against my thigh cheekily.

"I see what you're doing," I called him out, eyes glued to his hand that trailed dangerously along my jean clad leg.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Tess," He said with a somewhat hidden grin, green eyes lit with obvious humor.


It'd all happened in less than a second. One minute, the truck was filled with our playful banter and the next, it was filled with my terrified scream from the sudden hit we'd taken from behind. My seatbelt had thankfully pushed me harshly back into the seat upon impact as I gasped in surprise and at the pain that shot up my back.

"What the fuck?" Elijah cursed as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, eyes frantically darting over to me to ensure my safety.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, glancing behind us to see a heavily tinted black SUV that seemed to have no intention of backing off. The car was tailing us way too closely, making jerking movements from behind. 

Whatever had happened wasn't an accident and they looked as though they had no intention of slowing down or stopping.

Before Elijah could respond, the truck lurched forward once more. We'd been hit again. If I wasn't sure a while ago, I was now very aware that this was no simple accident.

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