Chapter 19||

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"I suffocated in my own despair with only the sound of your voice to rely on for my sanity"

"You and Elijah kissed?!" Bella all but screamed when I relayed the news to her the following Monday morning.

"Shh!" I immediately hushed her, my palm pressed against her rather loud mouth. I was sure she made a few unwanted heads turn our way at her outburst but they didn't seem to dwell for long on her words.

Swatting my hand away, she stared at me with wide blue eyes that were full of excitement. "How did that even happen?"

"It just did," I shrugged. "We were dancing and then things got heated and we just kissed," I admitted, blushing at the memory.

"Was it good?" She asked, clearly excited and curious.

"Bella!" I scolded with a frown, not too excited to relay the details of that God forsaken kiss.

"So, was it?" She pressed in interest.

"It was. It was really, really great. I'm afraid I'm beginning to develop feelings for him," I admitted timidly, biting my lip.

"So, are you gonna tell him? Have you guys spoken since it happened?" She asked curiously.

"That's the thing, after we'd kissed, there is this awkward vibe between us. He fucking aplogized for kissing me and then he took me home and that was it," I explained regrettably, fiddling with my fingers.

Honestly, I didn't regret my actions that night. I didn't regret any of it but I felt as though Elijah did. Scratch that, I knew he did. I saw it in his eyes when he looked at me. Heck, he apologized for the whole thing. Clearly he in no way felt the way I did about that spectacular moment. It was a heat of the moment kiss, taken over by lust rather than actual feelings. It meant nothing to him but it meant everything to me.

"I need to talk with him," I said.

"Well, now's your chance because he's headed this way," Bella said as she glanced over my shoulder. My eyes widedned as my heart sped up at a rather unhealthy and alarming rate.

"What!?" I hissed quietly. I did need to talk with him but I hadn't yet prepared an entire internal monologue, what was I supposed to say to him?

"And now he's behind you," She smirked with a glint in her eye as I glared harshly.

"Arabella, can I borrow Tessa for a bit?" Elijah asked as he'd stopped behind me. I refused to turn around just yet.

Although I silently pleaded with Arabella to say otherwise with my eyes, she simply smiled and nodded at Elijah before she all but skipped away down the hall. I gulped, shifting my feet but I had yet to face Elijah.

Fuck you, Arabella.

"Tessa," He called.

"Yes," I squeaked still backing him.

"Turn around," He ordered, clearly agitated. Deciding not to push him further, I spun around to face him, a quite noticeable blush on my cheeks as the memories of that night replayed in my head. Hopefully he had no idea where my mind was currently wandering.

"What's up?" I asked, my voice already two pitches higher than normal as I attempted to remain cool. Miserable fail. If Elijah noticed, he didn't bother mentioning it. I'd say he was accustomed to my weirdness by now so he said nothing.

"We need to talk."

"About what?" I asked although I was one hundred percent sure what it was about. I wasn't going to acknowledge it until he did though.

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