Chapter 21||

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*Long Chapter Ahead*

*Hold unto your hearts*

'That feeling when you don't know what the fuck you're feeling'

I cluthced the large gift bag in my hand tightly as I adjusted my scarf with my free hand almost nervously. Elijah's mother had invited me to dinner tonight at their home as Elijah had mentioned and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement.

I couldn't exactly say why I was nervous however.

I repeated the apartment number in my head continuously as the elevator bell rang, indicating my stop at the third floor.

Exiting the elevator, I went ahead in search of aprtmemt 56 which I quickly found a little dowm the hall. Slowly amd nervously, I raised my fist  and knocked lightly on the door. Within seconds, the door opened to reveal a casually dressed Elijah; basketball shorts and a plain t-shirt adorned his lean body perfectly.

"Hey." I greeted with a smile.

"Hey." He replied, prying the door open wider and stepping aside. "Come on in. Fair warning; my mother's been going crazy in the kitchen." He said with a chuckle.

Laughing lightly, I grinned as I slipped off my coat, placing it on the hanger by the door as I followed behind Elijah down a small narrow hallway which seemed to be lined  with childhood pictures of Elijah and his siblings.

I stopped briefly at one particular photo of who I'm guessing was Elijah judging by the curls and bright green eyes. He looked just about five or so with a goofy grin on his face, completely covered in blue paint as he posed for the camera with a kissy face. It was adorable.

"Tessa." Elijah called from the end of the hallway when he'd realized I was no longer behind him. "Come on." He motioned me forward.

"You look so adorable in that picture." I grinned.

He shook his head in reply, stuffing his hands in the pockey of his dark blue basketball shorts. "I really was, wasn't  I?"

"Humble." I hummed sarcastically.

Once we'd exited the hallway, I was introduced to the open plan space that was Elijah's home. There was a small living room to my right along with two couches and a coffe table. The kitchen was directly beside it; following the same rustic team of the remainder of the house. To my left were three doors, bedrooms and probably the bathroom I'm assuming. The entire house appeared to be rather cozy and I loved everything about it, especially the red brick walls and color of the furniture that Elijah's mother had set up. It was a far cry from my mother's over the top white leather couches and seemed much more comfortable if I do say so myself.

"Mum, Tess is here!" Elijah called, quickly gaining his mother's undivided  attention.

"Tessa!" She called, smiling brightly as she beckoned me over to the kitchen.

I made my way towards her with a smile as I accepted the warm embrace she quickly pulled me into.

"Thanks for inviting me over." I smiled once she'd pulled away.

Anne smiled, tucking a stand of her hair behind her ear as she shook her head in dismal of my statement with a wave of her hand.

"I should be thanking you for keeping this one out of trouble actaully." Anne laughed as I noticed Elijah roll his eyes from where he was perched on the kitchen counter, legs dangling down.

"Not a problem, I'd do it again. So, what're we having?"

"I'm making the boys' favorite pasta and chicken dish along with a secret sauce that my grandmother had taught me." She gushed as she hurried over to the stove. I decided to follow her.

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