Chapter 28||

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"Sacrifice is for the greater good"

"Elijah!" I scolded as I shifted my box of fries away from him with a glare.

"Oh come on Tess. I just want another one," He whined with an adorable pout.

"No. You have your own." I said as I popped another fry in mouth. Elijah playfully glared at my action to which I stuck my tongue out at him in return.

"Baby, come on," He whined in the most adorable yet hot way ever. I knew exactly what he was trying to do and from the glint in those eyes of his, I had a feeling he knew that too. "Yours taste better." 

"It's the same fucking fry Elijah," I shook my head in amusement as I dramatically popped another fry in my mouth much to his annoyance.

We had finished up at Liam's at around eleven and after driving through town for awhile, we decided to grab some lunch at a diner in town. I could say that Elijah had my heart at the mention of the burger combo from Bee's. They had the best chicken burger money could buy and I might just literally sell my soul for it.

We'd then driven up to Keddie Cliff where he parked the truck and we're now sat in the tail gate with our food spread out between us enjoying the serenity of the woods.

"Please," He pleaded with a childish shine in his green eyes. I shook my head stubbornly as he leant in further towards me, his eyes glued to my lips.

I then purposefully bit down on them as his lustful gaze remained trained on them, clearly enjoying the small action. I wondered if in this moment, he wanted to kiss me just as much as I wanted to kiss him.

"You're fucking beautiful Tessa," Elijah cursed before he closed the distance between us by pressing his plump lips against mine. I could never get over the feeling of his lips against mine. It was almost like heaven or what I'd imagine heaven to feel like.

There was always tenderness in the way he kissed me but ever so often, he'd bite and tease me and I just knew that his domineering side was peeking through. His rough palms had framed my face gently as our lips molded together and I, in turn, knotted my hands into his soft hair, eliciting a strained groan from the back of his throat.

It was so sudden when his tongue had darted out against my lips, demanding entrance. My delay annoyed him and he pulled back briefly to speak, lust filled eyes meeting mine. "Open up for me, baby. Let me in."

"Elijah," I called breathlessly as his lips pressed against my neck. I gasped at the sensation of his tongue flicking out against my neck as he kissed the soft skin. God, he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I could feel him smirking against me before his lips met mine once more.

"Hmm." He hummed against my lips as he pulled just a breath away. "Taste so sweet, baby. My sweet girl."

"I need to ask you something," I said as he widened the gap between us by pulling away further.

"You can ask me whatever the fuck you want later Tessa," He groaned impatiently. "I just wanna taste you right now."

"No. I really want to talk," I said firmly as I created some much needed distance between us. The urgency and alarm in my tone had caused him to pull back immediately with a frown.

"Am I pushing you, is that it? I'm sorry if I-"

I pressed my fingers against his lips to silence him as I shook my head. "That's not why I stopped you," I said.

"Okay, then what's wrong?" He asked as he thumbed my bottom lip gently before gripping my jaw, ensuring our eyes were locked on each other. "Talk to me."

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