Chapter 2||

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'We all have stories we won't tell.'

Remaining classes of the day flew by rather quickly and before I knew it, the bell rung, thankfully signalling the end of the school day. After my encounter with Elijah, I had related the entire ordeal to Arabella at lunch, to which she'd chuckled, quite amused by the situation, much to my dismay. She had that 'I told you so' expression on her face, completely smug about the whole thing she was.

As I thought of Elijah's rude attitude, I couldn't help but give an eyeroll. I mean, his behavior shouldn't have come as a surprise considering Elijah wasn't the nicest person and I knew exactly how he hated any form of conversation or human contact for that matter that wasn't absolutely necessary. I have seen him blow up on persons in school on several occasions but experiencing it first-hand only proved that he was indeed a jerk. And to think I wanted to be his friend.

Sighing, I made my way out of the school building, somehow managing to push my way through the sea of students, who were much like me, eager to get home.

Angrily unlocking my car, I quickly got in, starting up the engine as I backed out of the parking lot. The simple thought of being far away from this devil influenced creation called school was just enough for me to calm down and speed up a bit. However, my car came to a jolting stop as I bumped into something, my eyes widening as I heard a loud curse and groan from outside.

Gasping, I quickly tumbled out my car, heart in my hand as I peered around the back and just as luck would or would not have had it, lying on the ground was none other than Elijah Hastings himself. His face was twisted in slight agony and evident pain as he groaned.

Of course, Tessa, you just had to run over the guy who made it clear his dislike for you a few mere hours ago. The universe must be having quite a laugh at this supposed fate of mine.

"Holy shit!" I cursed, kneeling beside him.

His eyes snapped open, his facial expression switching somewhere between pain, anger and finally settled on complete annoyance once he seemed to recognize who I was.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked frantically as he stood to his feet, not wavering which surprised me. I mean I wasn't backing out at a fast pace but I wasn't entirely sure how it felt to be hit by a car and I'd hope I never found out either. But I could only imagine it wasn't that enjoyable.

"Why don't I run you over with a car and you tell me how you feel about it after?" He snapped sarcastically with an eyeroll.

"I really am sorry. Besides, I'm sure I hadn't hit you that hard either," I apologized, eyeing him carefully for any injuries.

"Please stop speaking. Your voice is more painful than any car hit."

Taken aback by yet another of his rude statements, I crossed my arms annoyed. Would it really kill him to be polite? I mean fair enough, I did just run him over with my car but I was being as apologetic and polite as I could've been, there's only so much I could take at a time.

"Your license should be revoked for this," He answered seriously, dusting himself off.

"You cannot be serious. I barely grazed you. Maybe I should have been going a little faster," I rolled my eyes annoyed with him.

"Maybe you should have, at least I wouldn't have to deal with him," Elijah muttered to himself lowly but not enough for me not to hear him.

By the surprised look on his face, I'm pretty sure he hadn't expected me to hear that but I did. My eyes drifted to his green ones, surprised and sympathetic all at once and for a split second, I saw just a flicker of emotion in him but it was gone as soon as it came but clearly not fast enough for me not to recognize what he was feeling; pain, fear. And I am absolutely sure neither were from me hitting him with my car but rather something else dark and sinister that tainted any light in his life.

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