Broom Closet

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As the seventh year prefect, it was my job to patrol the halls. That meant catching snogging couples. And let's just say that was an experience I did NOT enjoy. 

After catching five couples and only checking four broom closets and three empty classrooms, I headed to the third floor. The third floor was the busiest for snogging and shagging because of the excessive amounts of hiding spots there. 

I first checked behind a tapestry of Circe, and let's just say I wanted to claw my eyes out. There were my best friend and my sister, sucking each other's faces off. Like literally. It was hard to tell who was who. 

I cleared my throat loudly, making them jump. "Hello, lovebirds," I said, shooting Harry a glare. He shot a glare right back, one that seemed to say, I know this is your sister but I like snogging her so fuck off. "Curfew is in ten minutes so you two need to either head back to Gryffindor Tower or tag along with me to finish my rounds. And because I don't want you two continuing, you are coming with me or I will deduct house points." Then, I stalked off.

The next classroom was empty, thank Merlin. But the next broom closet, however, I wasn't as lucky. I swung the door open silently and was met with the sight of a platinum blonde boy tangled up with a girl, who was turned slightly at first so I couldn't see her face or hair. But THEN, they turned so the girl was slammed into the wall, and I saw her. The first thing I saw was the bushy brown hair. I heard a sharp inhale from behind me, but the couple didn't hear it. They turned again, and I caught a glimpse of her face.

"HERMIONE?!" Three voices shouted simultaneously. I realized one of them was mine. 

Hermione POV

I didn't realize how late it was. All I could feel was him. His lips, firmly attached to mine. His hands, one on my waist, the other hooking my thigh closer to his waist. His hair, threaded through my fingers. His body, so close to mine I could feel the heat. Our lips and tongues were seemingly battling for dominance, his teeth nipping and biting at my lower lip. I let out a low moan. 

Draco spun me around, practically slamming my body into the wall. Our lips stayed attached, save for the split second we pulled back to breathe. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his hands dropped to my waist to support me. I pulled away for a second, and he trailed his kisses down to my jaw. He nipped and sucked at the skin, and I sighed, relaxing my body and letting my head fall onto the wall. After a moment, he tilted his chin back up and our lips collided once again.

"HERMIONE?!" Came a screech from the door. I looked up immediately and winced at the sight of my three best friends standing in the doorway, mouths gaping open like a fish. I removed my legs from Draco's waist and he set me gently back on the floor. Ron's face and ears were steadily growing redder, and a small grin was spreading across Ginny's face. Harry just looked confused. 

"What the fuck?" Ron shouted. I winced.

"Hey, guys," I mumbled. My face was burning and I was probably a really ugly shade of red.

Harry cleared his throat. "Hermione," he started, glancing nervously at Ron, "What are you doing?"

I opened my mouth, but Ron beat me to it. "Yes, Hermione, what WERE you doing?"

"You guys want to know what we were doing?" I asked, deadly calm. "Here, this is what we were doing."

Then I turned to Draco and grabbed his face between my hands, pulling his lips down to mine. His reaction was instant, his formerly stiff body coming to life beneath my hands. The kiss deepened, turning into an open-mouthed, heated kiss. When I finally pulled away, panting slightly, Ginny was squealing like a schoolgirl and Ron's face was redder than his hair.

"Hermione! Why are you snogging the ferret? You're supposed to be with me!" Ron exclaimed. I scoffed.

"Ron, I'm sorry, you're just not my type," I replied calmly.

"And what exactly is your type?" He snapped.

I pretended to think this over before saying, "Hot blonde guys with Dark Marks and a dark past."

"You think I'm hot?" Draco teased.

I turned to him, rolling my eyes. "Yes. I believe I've told you that before."

"Yes, you have. I just like hearing you say it."

I smirked and grabbed him by his loosened tie. "C'mon, babe, let's go shag." 

Then we walked out of the broom closet and down the stairs, leaving Ron in shock and Harry and Ginny laughing their asses off. 

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