Hermione's Story

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"GRANGER! You have a letter!" Came the voice of the Head Boy from downstairs. I sighed, setting down my book and going downstairs to get the letter. Malfoy handed it to me with a serious look on his face. I mumbled a thank you and sat down on the couch, opening the envelope


         How's school? I haven't seen you since the last Hogsmeade visit... I was wondering if you and Ginny could come to visit soon? Or maybe we could visit you? Ron misses you, even though you may not believe it. I think he may want to get back together with you. He's been drinking a lot lately. Saying Fred's death is his fault. Hooking up with random women. He's even smoking. Honestly, I wish he would just grow up and get over it. 

       You might not be able to leave school, so when is the next Hogsmeade visit? I can come and the three of us (You, me, and Ginny) can go out for lunch or something. I really do miss you. Auror training is going great. How's being Head Girl? With Malfoy? Apparently, you two are getting along better now, according to Ginny. Owl me back please, I miss you. And give Ginny my love

      Love, Harry

I smiled softly and set the letter down on the table, reaching for a piece of parchment and a pot of ink. 


         It's great to hear from you. I miss you two. Ginny misses you and says she loves you as well. There is a Hogsmeade visit next weekend.....

When I finished writing the letter, I turned to grab my shoes so I could go to the Owlery, and jumped at the sight of Malfoy standing there with his arms crossed.

"I thought you and Weasel were still together. And that letter informs me of otherwise," He said seriously. His eyes were slightly startling me with how serious his gaze was. 

"You read my mail, Malfoy?" 

"I couldn't help but glance at it over your shoulder," he responded nonchalantly, shrugging. "So. We're friends now. Tell me all about your trouble in paradise." He sat down and patted the couch beside him. I sat down and sighed, turning to him and folded my legs, criss-cross-applesauce style. 

"So over the summer, Ron and I were dating. I didn't really want to date him, but it was what the public wanted and I didn't want to disappoint everybody. I mean, I haven't really like liked him since my second year. But then, two days before we went back to school, I caught him snogging another girl. I guess I had sorta kinda developed feelings for him over that time. It hurt to see him kissing someone else when he claimed to love me. I broke up with him and stayed in the Leaky Cauldron the last night before school. I got to school and Ginny wasn't speaking to me, and I found out Ron said I cheated on him. I told her and Harry the truth, and they made us meet up to talk about it." I sighed again, looking at my lap and picking my fingernails.

"We talked and argued, but eventually reached a consensus to stay kind of friends, even though he is a dirty rotten cheater. It's still awkward between us, but we are friends, for Harry and Ginny's sake."

After I finished my story, Malfoy let out a long breath, blowing his hair out of his face. The way he wears it down and ruffled slightly, is so much better than how he had it before, slicked back away from his face. 

"That's fucked up," He says finally. I let out a breathy laugh.

"Isn't it though?"


There was an awkward silence at first, which Draco eventually broke. "The last time I saw Weasel was that Hogsmeade visit where you guys met up. He had heard about me and you becoming friends. He verbally assaulted me in the alley behind the Three Broomsticks, told me I was 'just doing it for a shag' and to 'stop messing with his Hermione' and I told him we were just friends. 

I scoffed. "He was always the jealous type. Of course, I wasn't. He was always surrounded by his 'fans.' Girls with bleached blonde hair and fake tanned skin, that wear more makeup than I wear in a year. Girls who show way too much cleavage and have forty boyfriends at once. It was a toxic relationship, and I'm thankful that it's over."

After my speech, I stood up, grabbed my letter from where I had dropped it on the table, and headed off to the Owlery to mail my letter. 

Hehe just a sappy little Dramione pouring their hearts out together scene. Well... mostly just Hermione pouring her heart out. 

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