Truth or Dare

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Secretly dating Dramione

"Let's get this party started!" Pansy shouted as she sat down with a bottle of firewhisky in her hand, a flask of Veritaserum in her other. 

Ginny popped the cork off another firewhisky and exclaimed, "Hear, hear!"

Hermione sighed. "So, what's first?"

"First, we wait for the boys. Draco is getting Blaise and Theo and Potter is getting Weasley," Pansy replied. "And then we play Truth or Dare."

Hermione groaned as Ginny grinned. Harry walked into the room dragging Ron behind him. Draco walked in and plopped down on the floor next to Hermione. 

"Hello, love," he whispered in her ear. She shot him a smile. 

"I'm going first," Pansy said. "Blaise, babe, Truth or Dare?"

"Hmmm..... Truth."

"Are you cheating on me?" Pansy asked innocently.

Blaise choked on the Veritaserum shot he was drinking. "What?"

"Are. You. Cheating. On. Me."

"No? Why the hell would you think that?" Blaise asked incredulously. 

"You keep avoiding my eyes and sneaking off," Pansy said, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh! I was helping Draco with something!"

Draco slapped his hand over his best mate's mouth. "Something that we will NOT be mentioning. That's a rule now. No asking about my secret thing."

"I'm not cheating on you though, Pansy," Blaise said softly when Draco let go of him, placing a hand on her chin, tilting her chin up. "I love you. You know that." 

The boys (minus Blaise of course) all retched. The girls all awwed. Pansy smiled and nodded, pecking her boyfriend on the lips.

Blaise turned to Ron. "Weasel, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Ron replied boldly.

Blaise smiled like a Cheshire Cat. "I dare you to go and tell McGonagall you want to be Resorted into Ravenclaw." 

Ron left the room and came back five minutes later. "She gave me two detentions and a laugh. Ginny, Truth or Dare?"

Ginny chose truth.

"Sniff someone's armpit."

Ginny burst out laughing. "Alright, who showered today?"

Hermione rose her hand. Ginny crawled over and sniffed her armpit. Then she turned to her brother. "Satisfied?" Ron nodded. Ginny turned to Draco. 

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare... I guess..."

"I dare you... to snog Hermione." Ron's ears turned red. Draco shrugged and turned to his secret girlfriend.

"Gimme a smooch, Granger."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ginny, how long do we have to snog?"

"Hmm... 2 minutes."

She sighed. "Fine." 

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap, his lips meeting hers. She kissed back, eyes fluttering shut. 

They forgot there were other people in the room.

When she finally pulled away, definitely more than two minutes later, he pecked her on the nose and lifted her off of his lap. Ron's entire face was bright red and he looked like her was seconds from pummeling Draco. Pansy, Blaise, and Ginny were fangirling. Harry and Theo were laughing at Ron's face. 

Draco cleared his throat and Harry and Theo stopped laughing. "Let's see... Potter."

"Truth," Harry decides.

"Who was your first kiss?"

"Cho Chang," he responded after he drank the Veritaserum. "5th year. But we have to talk about you two. Clearly, that was not the first time you kissed."

"Yeah," Ginny cut in. "That was one hell of a snog."

"You want us to do it again?" Draco asked with a smirk. Hermione whacked him on the head. 

"No," she scolded. "If we do that again you're not going to stop and we aren't doing that tonight."

"TONIGHT?!" Ginny and Pansy exclaimed at the same time.

"Meh, maybe later on," she responded nonchalantly. "If you guys leave our common room and he isn't too drunk."

He set his firewhisky down. 

"Ok, Potter, ask your person."

"No," Harry responded, shaking his head violently. "Explain. Are you two Shagging? Friends with benefits?"

Hermione laughed. "Dating. Secretly. For the past four months. Since October."

Ginny squealed. 

"WHAT?!" Everyone's smile disappeared. "YOU CAN'T DATE THE FERRET!"

Hermione stood up and faced Ron. "You don't get to tell me who I can date. We aren't dating anymore, Ronald. I'm not your possession."

"B-but he's a Death Eater!" Ron spluttered, his face and ears as bright as his hair.

"Ex-Death Eater," she snapped. "And he's changed."

"He's still a Slytherin!"

"You are ridiculous, Ronald. We fought a war to get rid of that kind of prejudice. Just because we are in different houses doesn't mean we can't be together. I love him, and I don't care what house he is in or what color tie he wears, I love him for him," she said, crossing her arms and sitting back down. "If you aren't okay with that, you can leave."

He left. They continued playing their game without him. 

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