Raspberry Scones

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Big shock, ya girl hits 1k reads and completely runs out of ideas. I'm probably going to have to do some later that follow fanart, but maybe like comment some ideas? Maybe? Please? I'm taking requests. OR JUST SEND ME SOME FUCKING PROMPTS I NEED IDEAS PLEASE HELP I'M DYING. 

SO! This one is a period fanfic to honor the fact that I am on my period BUT! It has a twist. Draco and Hermione are dating SECRETLY! Fun, right? AND! They are Heads and live in their own common room.

WARNING: This is probably one of the WORST oneshots I have ever written. Just saying.

"Granger, we gotta go to class!" He shouted up the stairs. 

There was no response.


"Mia, love, are you okay?"

He heard a groan.

"Oh wait, I forgot."

"It's that time of the month, isn't it."

He sighed and took his shoes off, walking back upstairs to the room with a silver plaque on the door that read 'Head Girl'. He opened it gently and walked to his girlfriend, who was curled up in a ball under the covers. 

He nudged her in the side. She turned over.


He smiled down at her. "Hi. Do you need anything?"

She sat up slowly. "Food. And you."

He laughed. "I'll be back with the former."

He walked to the small kitchenette of their dorm and looked around the kitchen. He swore quietly when he didn't see any raspberry scones (Hermione's favorite) but he grabbed a roll instead.

Then he walked back to Hermione's room. She took the roll and tore off a piece, stuffing it in her mouth. He sat down cross-legged on the bed. 

"Sorry, there are no scones."

"It's fine," she mumbled.

"So we're staying here all day?" He asked, leaning back onto his hands.

She shook her head. "No. You are going to class. I will stay here."

"I'm staying with you."

"Fine." She finished her roll and brushed her hands together, laying back down.

He crawled towards her and curled up next to her, pulling her towards him by the waist. 

She smiled.

"Go to sleep," he told her sternly.

She nodded and relaxed into him.

He sighed and closed his eyes.


He awoke to a loud gasp and someone dropping something from the doorway. 

His eyes shot open and he sat up slowly, glancing towards the doorway. 

Ginny Weasley stood there, frozen, a tray with food spilled on the floor underneath her. 

Hermione sat up slowly in the corner of his vision.

The three of them sat there, frozen for at least a minute, just staring at each other. 

A voice came from behind Ginny. "Ginny? I brought the biscuits, why are you...?" The voice trailed off as the person came into view in the doorway. 

Ron Weasley gasped as well, dropping the tray of biscuits and pointing frantically between Draco and Hermione.

"You...you and him?"

Hermione sighed and fell back onto the bed. "Fuck off, we were trying to sleep."


"Yes. We."

Ron gulped and looked down, picking up the tray. "I brought your favorite, custard creams."

Draco snorted. The Gryffindors all turned to him.

"Those aren't her favorite."

"Yes, they are!" Ron exclaimed.

Draco shook his head slowly. "No, they aren't."

"Oh really? What are her favorites then?"

He turned to his girlfriend. "Raspberry scones, right?"

She nodded, but it quickly turned into a wince. "Cramps," she whispered. 

Ginny picked a potion up off of the tray she had dropped. "Pain relief."

Hermione drank it before responding again, "Yes, raspberry scones are my favorite. Now please leave, I'm tired."

Ron made an indignant noise. Draco stood up. She grabbed his hand. "Not you. You can stay."

He shook his head. "I'm going to go get you some of those scones."

She rolled her eyes. "You treat me too well." 

He smirked. "I do."

He kissed her on the forehead and left, slipping past the redheads and walking down the stairs to get his shoes and go to the kitchens. Hermione would deal with the Gryffindorks.

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