Fake [pt. 2]

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Here's part two! Sorry for the wait.

Also, thank you for 3k reads! I love you!

It only took two weeks for Astoria to ask Draco out again. And on the exact same day, Ron asked Hermione out. 

They both denied.

Later that night, Hermione tossed and turned in her bed, wondering about her feelings. If she truly liked Ron, why was it so easy to turn him down? And why did she wish her and Draco's relationship wasn't fake?

I have a crush on Draco Malfoy.


"You have a crush on her, mate," Blaise Zabini stated finally as he set down a glass of firewhiskey in front of his best mate.

Draco took it and downed it in one gulp, completely ignoring the burn as it went down his throat. "I know."

"And she thinks it's fake."


Blaise held out the bottle. Draco rolled his eyes. "It's not a big deal. I'm sure I'll get over it."

Blaise sighed. "I warned you. I told you you would fall in love with her."

Draco grimaced. "I know. I should have listened to you."

"But you didn't. And now you're stuck. And there's only one solution."

"What is it?"

"You have to..." he paused dramatically. Draco smacked him. "Tell her how you feel!"

"No." Draco said immediately. "Absolutely not. Nuh uh." He shook his head violently.

"You'll regret it!" Blaise sang as he took the bottle back. 

He shrugged. "But by then it will be too late."

"That's the point!"

"I don't like thinking about the future."

"Why are you so fucking stubborn?" Blaise groaned.

Draco just shrugged.

A Week Later

Hermione hated Quidditch. 

She hated it.

She hated that it was all her friends ever talked about, and it caused a whole bunch of arguments between Harry and Ron. 

But most of all, she hated how dangerous it was.

First year, Harry almost choked to death on the Snitch. Second year, Harry broke his arm and then Lockhart got rid of all of his bones. Third year, he fell from like a million feet up because of dementors. Fourth year, the Veelas interfered at the World Cup. At the start of the repeat year, a Bludger hit Ginny and knocked her off her broom, breaking two of her ribs, puncturing a lung, and giving her a concussion.

She was shaken from her thoughts about Quidditch injuries by a collective gasp from the crowd. One of the Seekers had spotted the Snitch.

Hermione gripped the railing tightly, her knuckles going white, as her fake boyfriend/crush tipped his broom downwards, soaring towards the ground, his hand outstretched. A glint of gold flew in front of him.

Downwards he went, and Hermione's hands tightened more and more, her nails digging into the railing.

The fluttering gold ball paused for a moment, and Draco's hand grabbed it out of the air. He pulled up, seemingly inches from the ground, and raised his arm in triumph. Hermione sighed in relief. Thank Merlin.

She stepped out of the stands and ran down to the field where the Slytherins were swarming. Draco allowed a few pats on the back and a hug from his friend before stepping towards her. She crossed her arms angrily. He raised an eyebrow at the motion.

"You could've died."

He shrugged. "I didn't though."

She relaxed, throwing her arms around his neck and forcing his face to hers. She kissed him passionately, his arms coming to rest around her waist. The noise from their peers quieted. 

When he pulled away, his face turned to her ear. "We need to talk," he murmured. She nodded nervously. 

Draco hugged three more of his teammates before grabbing Hermione by the arm and tugging her gently her away from the field and towards the castle. She followed him in silence. 

When they got back to the Head common room, he sat down on a couch and she sat down next to him, crossing her feet and sitting sideways, facing him.

"I have something to tell you," he muttered quietly, not looking at her. 

"Me too," she whispered. "You go first."

He grimaced and swiveled to face her. "I... I thought that I was...dating you to get back at Astoria. I didn't tell you, but Astoria asked me out." 

Hermione sighed, her heart crushing inwards. "And...?"

"I said no."


"Because I realized-don't interrupt!"

She shut her mouth.

"I realized that sometime in our fake relationship it became...not fake anymore. I realized that I like you," he said finally, looking down at his hands, which were in his lap.

She grabbed his hands, forcing him to look her in the face.

"You...like me?" she whispered.

He grimaced. "Yeah. I'm sorry, I know I wasn't supposed-"

She swallowed his words, cutting him off with her mouth on his and cupping his face in her palms. He froze for a moment, before gently starting to kiss back. 

"I like you too," she breathed when they pulled away out of sheer need for air.

His eyes widened and a grin stretched across his face. "You do?"

She nodded frantically, kissing him again before he could say anything else.

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