Now They Know

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Hermione POV

We didn't tell people we were dating. We didn't keep it a secret, either. We just made it increasingly obvious that we were together. Luckily, the news had yet to hit anyone outside of the school. When it did though, it was certain to make the front page of the Prophet. 

The problem was, our friends (other than Ginny and Pansy, but they had known from the start) were just so oblivious that they didn't even notice. We kept the PDA to a minimum, so they definitely had trouble figuring out why we were suddenly so close, but they probably just thought it was because we were both Heads. Until one very heated game of Spin the Bottle in the Room of Requirement with a bunch of the seventh years. 

Hermione spun and it landed on Draco. They both shrugged and she crawled over to where he was sitting. 

"Wait, are you actually going to kiss the ferret?" Harry interrupted. Hermione glanced at him and nodded. Harry made a face. 

"C'mere, darling," Draco said, yanking her closer to him. She giggled and tangled her hands in his hair. Their lips connected and Hermione grinned into the kiss, pulling him even (if possible) closer. 

When they split apart, he tugged her into his lap and she sat there with her arm looped over his shoulder as their friends (minus Pansy and Ginny) acted like fishes. "What?" she asked. "You didn't know we were dating?" She turned to the boy whose lap she was sitting on. "I thought we made it quite obvious."

He laughed. "Clearly not. I told you, love, we needed more PDA." Now she was the one to laugh. 


"You guys are adorable!" Ginny exclaimed. Then she sighed. "Harry, why aren't you like that?"

Harry huffed indignantly and hooked his hand around Ginny's ankle, tugging her to him, where she turned and sat on his lap. He kissed her on the cheek. She smiled.

Ron still looked like a fish. Blaise did as well.

"That's my sister!" Blaise exclaimed. 

Draco shrugged. "Sorry, mate. She made the first move."

Hermione slapped him on the back of the head. 

"What! It's true! You were the one who-"

She slapped her hand over his mouth shaking her head violently and glaring at him. He licked her hand. She hit him again.

"Ooh, I wanna hear all of the juicy details," Pansy said, leaning forward. "What does Blaise mean you're his sister? And what move did you make?"

Draco laughed. "Hermione isn't actually a muggleborn. She's a pureblood, who the Zabinis hid from Voldemort. And the move she made-" he paused, holding Hermione's arms behind her back so she culdn't hit him or hex him- "She just kissed me one day after we got back from a party. And then one thing led to another and I asked her out the next morning when we woke up."

"To be clear, I was drunk," Hermione interrupted, struggling to free her arms. "And do you really need to tell everybody this?"

"It was basically assault," Draco joked. "And yes, Mione. They get to know."

She kicked him. 

Cormac McLaggen spoke up. "Wait you two are dating?"

Hermione and Draco both nodded. McLaggen sighed. "That ruins my chance with her."

She scoffed. "You never had a chance. It was always going to be Draco." She smiled at the boy underneath her. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 

Blaise sighed. "You two are so fucking cute. But if you hurt her-"

"He will die a bunch of times, because first Mione will kill him and then I will kill him and then Ginny will kill him and then maybe you could do something with the remains," Harry muttered darkly. 

Hermione snorted. "I'm pretty sure Blaise would kill him before you guys. He is my brother after all."

"Biological!" Harry corrected.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes Harry, but Blaise comes first because we share the same blood. Now, who spins next?"

Draco spun. It landed on Blaise. He laughed. "Come here, Blaisey. I'm sure your sister won't mind me kissing you."

They kissed. Hermione glared at Blaise. Draco wiped his mouth. 

"You aren't as good a kisser as your sister," Draco said. Everyone laughed. "You probably haven't had as much practice."

"What do you mean?" Blaise exclaimed indignantly. "I snogged every single girl in out year minus Hermione!"

"Yes but Hermione-"

"Shut up," the afore-mentioned girl growled menacingly. "You are not telling every single person we know about out snogging sessions." 

"Ok," he sighed. 

"Now, Blaise, brother, you spin. And Draco, go wash your mouth. I'm not kissing you when you kissed my brother. That would be too weird."

Draco obediently lifted her off of his lap onto a cushion and left to go wash his mouth.

"You guys really are oblivious," Hermione told them once he had left. "He literally kissed me on the head the other day and I told him I loved him the other night in public."

"I knew!" Multiple people shouted.

"So that's why you two were in a broom closet," Luna said serenly. Hermione turned bright red.

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