Granger Reunion

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Dear Hermione,

             It's your aunt Bethany here. We are hosting a Granger reunion this year and seeing as you haven't come to the last two we were wondering if you would come to this one. You can bring any family or spouse that you have (knowing you there isn't anyone.) It will be held at the Green Lion hotel. It is a prestigious hotel and we have rented out some rooms for three nights, so please come. Bring some fancy clothes, will you? It's a fancy place and I wouldn't want you to disgrace the family. The reunion is from July 1st-4th, please arrive at 5 pm on the 1st.


              Bethany Ray nee Granger

"DRACO! SCORP! LYRA!" Hermione shouted. "GET DOWN HERE!"

Two pairs of feet thundered down the stairs, a slower pair of footsteps following. Her twelve-year-old son Scorpius skid into the kitchen and put his hands up.

"I didn't do it!" he exclaimed. Hermione laughed.

"What's wrong, mum?" Lyra asked. 

She sighed. "We have a reunion to attend."

"When?" Lyra (who is also 12, they are twins) questioned.

"Tomorrow, we have to be at your father's hotel by 5, so go pack, please! Oh, and dinner will be ready in 20 minutes," she told her children, shooing them away. She sank into a chair at the table and dropped her head into her arms. 

"If it's a family reunion we're attending, why do you look so stressed?" her husband asked from behind her, moving forward to massage her shoulders. 

"Have I not told you about my bratty cousins?" she mumbled as his fingers moved effortlessly across her back. 

"No, you haven't."

"Well, two of my cousins on my dad's side hate me. They bullied me, called me beaver, and worse, they are completely obsessed with Draco Malfoy. They think he is the hottest guy in the world, and they think he is single."

"What do you think about this Draco Malfoy?" he murmured.

"I think he's ugly," she told her arms.

He removed his hands from her back.


She snorted and sat up. "It was a joke, babe. I think you're hot as hell. Now go pack. Actually, you have a meeting tomorrow in Italy and one the next day in France, so you'll only be there on the last day. And Scorpius is going with you. I have a plan."

He smiled. "You know my schedule better than me. Tell me this plan later, ok?"

He kissed her on top of the head and left. She stood up and went to make dinner. 


"Mum, is beaver coming?" Kelsey asked her mother Bethany.

"I think so," her mother responded. "She's just late."

"Hopefully she doesn't come," her cousin Janet said from behind her. 

Kelsey was nodding as a car pulled into the parking lot, into the reserved spot for the CEO. She gasped as she noticed what kind of car it was. A Bugatti Divo, one of the most expensive cars in the world.

 A Bugatti Divo, one of the most expensive cars in the world

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