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"I was not flirting with Smith!" she shouted. 

He snorted, running a hand through his hair. "Yes, you were. You were giggling. And he put his hand on your arm."

"That's not flirting!" She snapped, stepping away from her boyfriend. "You're being irrational."

"It is flirting. It's fine, Granger. I don't know why I care." he would be believable if his voice hadn't cracked when he said care.

"Why shouldn't you care?" she asked. 

"Because," he said. 

"That's not a reason, Malfoy," she snarled.

"It's not like this relationship is going to last. You are going to wake up one day and realize that you are too good for me."

She laughed. "That will never happen."

"Oh, really?" he asked. "Why not?"

"Because," she answered. "I love you."

"You have a funny way of showing it," he commented drily. 

"Again, Malfoy, I was not flirting."

"It's fine. You can go. Stop pretending to like me, stop acting like you care."

"What do you mean?" she exclaimed. "I do care."

"No, you don't," he replied, stepping towards her. She took a step back. "Just admit it, Granger. You are just doing this to look better."

She laughed maniacally. "What part of being with you, a former Death Eater, makes me look better?"

"I don't know!" he shouted. "Maybe it adds to your cause of trying to help everyone!"

"You think," she snarled, "that I am dating you to look better?"

"Yes," he sighed, turning away.

"You're the one who is just dating me to shag!"

"What?" his head snapped up, turning towards her. "You think that I am just dating you to get in your pants?" he tried to approach her again. She tripped over her feet to keep the distance. 

"It's kind of hard not to," she shrugged. "Look at you. Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Sex God. I'm Hermione Granger. You're either dating me for appearances or my body."

She walked into a wall. He practically leaped forward, caging her in with his body.

"What part made you think that?" he asked quietly. "Was it the telling you I loved you? Or holding you when you cried after your friends found out we were dating? Or saying you're beautiful every single day?"

"Maybe it was the fact that before we were even dating we had sex. And then two weeks later you stopped avoiding me and asked me out. Whatever, it's fine now. You can stop faking shit. I can stop-" her voice broke as he leaned down, his hands trailing down closer to her waist.

"I'm not faking anything, Granger," his lips were so close to hers and she could just reach out and taste him but she couldn't because then--fuck, she was addicted. Draco Malfoy was like a drug. She was high on him, and him being this close without actually touching her? It was pure torture. Her eyes flickered uncertainly between his lips, so close to hers, and his eyes, which were focused on her with a look of longing. "I'm not dating you to look better, or to shag you. I am dating you because I can't stay away from you and it hurts when I look at you flirting with another boy."

She blinked slowly, trying to focus on his words. Her heart was racing."Really?"

"Really," he confirmed. His hands crept even closer, so close to her skin she could practically feel his hands touching her hips. "And now I know you aren't dating me for appearances. Granger, I can feel your heartbeat right now. Can you even understand a word I'm saying?" She shook her head, and he laughed. "This is torture for you, isn't it." 

She nodded even though it was a rhetorical question. He smirked evilly, turning his head towards her ear. His lips brushed her ear gently, and she melted. She was putty in his arms, and he knew it. 

"Being so close to me, without actually touching me. Who would have guessed? Hermione Granger has fallen for me. And I have fallen for her."

His hand was actually on her hip now, and she was pretty sure it was the only thing saving her from floating away into the clouds. He turned his face back to hers, and her eyes focused on his lips. So close, but so far. If she could just-

His lips captured hers, and she inhaled sharply. He swallowed her breath and forced her mouth open even more, so he could properly kiss her. Her hands ran up his chest, and her back arched into him. 

She pulled back to say, "If you are going to kiss me like that I may just flirt with other people more often."

He let out a strangled angry noise. "If you do that I will actually never let you leave my room."

She leaned in, brushing their lips together. "Doesn't sound too bad."

They kissed again.

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