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I woke up in the Room of Requirement with 2 arms circling my waist. Oh shit. We were not supposed to stay here all night. 

"Draco," I mumbled, lightly slapping him on the face. "Wake up. We stayed here all night." 

His eyes shot open. "Oh fuck," he breathed.

"Come on, get dressed," I said, throwing his clothes at him. "Hopefully no one will realize we are wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

"If they do," he murmured, pulling his shirt over his head. "tell them you were in the library."

I giggled, punching him on the shoulder. "I'll see you in Potions." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and left. But it was too late to realize I had on the wrong color tie. 

As I sat down at the table for breakfast, Harry greeted me with a small smile. Ron kept shoving food in his face. Ginny turned and gasped. "HERMIONE! That is not your tie!" I glanced at my neck. Fuck. She was right, this tie belonged to my handsome Slytherin boyfriend. Did I say Slytherin? So yes, this tie was definitely not red and gold. It was green and silver. 

"'Mione, why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Harry asked calmly. Beside him, steam was practically coming out of Ron's ears. 

"I-it's-ugh," I stuttered. "Umm, it's just... It doesn't matter." With a swish of my wand, the tie became red and gold. "I must've switched it by accident or something."

"Switched it with what?" Ron cut in. By now, the whole school was watching us. I'm surprised nobody had a camera out, recording my bright red face as I attempted to explain to my friends as to why I had a Slytherin tie. 

"We-I... my boyfriend," I mumbled.

"What?" Ginny shouted.

"Did you just say your boyfriend?" Ron exclaimed. 


"You have a boyfriend?" Harry asked.


I rolled my eyes. "Ronald, the war ended. You don't need to be so prejudiced anymore."

"Well which Slytherin is it?" Ginny asked. She was practically jumping. It was nice to see somebody found entertainment in my pain. 








"Again. No."


Snort. "Nope."



"N-," I sighed. Might as well tell them. "Yes."

"WHAT?" Practically all of the students shouted. I blushed even more. 

Across the hall, Draco Malfoy had his head buried in his arms, which were resting on the table. 

"Surprise?" I said sheepishly. The hall exploded.





At this point, multiple teachers had entered the hall and were attempting to calm the students down. After everyone was calm, McGonagall asked, "Now. What was all that commotion about? Ms. Granger?"

"They found out some interesting information, Professor," I responded. My cheeks were finally cooling down.

"And what information is that?" The Headmistress raised an eyebrow. 

"They found out... That Malfoy and I are dating."

"OH! How wonderful! Horace owes me ten Galleons!"

My jaw dropped. 

"Now, off to classes, people. See you in Transfiguration!"

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now