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"Come on, Draco," she said, grabbing him by the arm and attempting to drag him off of the couch. "We are going -shit, why are you so heavy?- to a bar. There's a really nice Muggle one on 21st street."

He shook his head. This was all he had done for the past 24 hours, just sit there and wallow in self-pity. He hadn't even cried. Hermione admired that fact. She probably would've. 

She gave up, plopping down on the couch beside him and throwing her legs onto his lap. "You can't just sit on my couch for the rest of your life in sadness."

He turned to her, the ghost of a smirk on his face. "I can damn well try," he said, his voice hoarse and thick with emotion. 

She huffed, brushing her hair out of her face. "You're lucky Ron's on some Auror mission. He'd be angry about me letting you crash on our couch. Come on, Draco. I'm serious. Going out will actually help you get over your cheating ex."

"Fine," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll go get dressed in something more appropriate. And maybe shower." He grabbed his wand from the table beside him and Apparated away. Hermione grinned at the fact she had gotten him off of his lazy ass. 

13 minutes later, she heard a pop from the living room. "I'm in here!" she shouted. Draco pranced into the room. He looks hot, she noticed as she turned to him. He was wearing a black button-down, black jeans, and a silver chain hung from his neck. "Let me just finish doing my makeup."

She did her mascara and put on a little bit of nude lipstick, before checking her outfit in the mirror. She was wearing a black lace dress, fishnet tights, a pair of black heels, and the bracelet Draco had gotten her for her 20th birthday. Ron would disapprove. 

She snorted. "Look, we're matching."

"Great minds think alike," he said, before holding out his arm. She grabbed her silver hand purse and took his arm before apparated them to an alleyway near the club. 

Dragging him by the arm, she pulled him into the club, flashed an ID at the security guard, and grabbed someone's full drink from a table. 

"Drink," she ordered. "It's whiskey."

He knocked it back and put the glass back down on the table. She nodded, satisfied. "Let's go get you another."

He allowed her to pull him over to the bar and order another whiskey as well as two shots of vodka. 


He sighed after he set down his 6th shot. "You're lucky, Granger. You have Weasley. He didn't cheat on you."

She laughed. "He probably would, though. He's always dissing me, saying I don't dress up, or I don't look good for him. He's been quite distant lately. Ginny thinks he's cheating on me."

He shook his head. "Uh uh. Nah. He..." He trailed off as a flash of red hair entered his vision. Hermione turned to look at what he was looking at. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, he thought sardonically. 

She inhaled sharply. "Is that... Ron?"

He nodded. "I think so."


"Oh hell no," he said, grabbing his whiskey. He stepped towards the redhead that was clearly Ron Weasley, whose lips were firmly attached to a blonde girl wearing a tiny red dress.

When he got close enough, he dumped the whiskey shot over the Weasel's head. Hermione gasped behind him. 

Ron spluttered, the whiskey stinging his eyes. "What the fuck, Malfoy?"

Hermione slapped him. It was so quick Draco barely saw it coming, all he saw was Hermione shoving him out of the way and her hand connecting with Weasel's face. 

"You complete bastard Ronald Weasley," she hissed. "Dirty-" punch "-rotten" punch "-cheater-" slap.

Draco dragged her away from her now ex-fiance. As much as he would like to see Ronald get beat up, he didn't exactly want to be kicked out of the club. His arms circled her waist and he pulled her away from the terrified redhead.

He sat her down in a chair and pushed a glass of vodka into her hand. She shook her head, standing up. "We're leaving," she told him. "Or at least I am."

He nodded. "C'mon." He pulled her outside and apparated them back to her apartment, where she collapsed on the couch and put her head in her hands, breaking down in sobs. He sat down beside her pulling her into his arms and onto his lap. They both cried, then. Over their cheating exes. He tried his best to whisper encouragements in her ear, about how 'he didn't deserve her' or 'you're better than him' but he was too busy crying as well. 

Somehow she had ended up on his lap, clinging to his neck, face buried in his chest, tear stains running down her cheeks and onto his shirt, her face streaked with mascara. His head was tucked in her neck. They fell asleep like that, tangled in each other's arms, on Hermione's couch. Both of their hearts were broken, but they would be fixed eventually. 

Hermione's dress

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Hermione's dress

Hermione's shoes

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Hermione's shoes

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