Dramione Oneshots

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Hello, and welcome to my Dramione oneshots book! This book features all things DracoxHermione, mostly on a fluff level. (It's rated T for teens because of the number of innuendos and curse words)

If you're here for drama when Hermione's friends find out, you've also come to the right place, because there is a fuck ton of it (mostly from Ron). But there is also plenty of fluff and cuteness between Draco and Hermione. 

If you love Ron Weasley as a character, this is not exactly the place for you. I don't treat him the nicest in my stories. Also, don't attack me if you've seen something very similar elsewhere. I often take inspiration from other writers on ffn, Wattpad, and ao3 and even if I didn't take inspo from them there are so many Dramione fanfics out there it's hard to find something original nowadays. 

If you are NOT a Dramione shipper, please don't read my book. Or at least, read it without commenting about your ships because it's kind of disrespectful seeing as Dramione is my OTP and a lot of the other people that read this ship it. Don't be rude to me or my other readers.

Plagiarism is NOT TOLERATED. I will report you, and because I'm pretty sure I have most of the Dramione books on all platforms with notis on I will most likely see that you copied my stories.  

Lastly, I don't post oneshots on a set schedule, I update whenever I get ideas or when someone requests something

If you enjoy it, please check out my Hogwarts Instagram book. The ships on that one are: Dramione (duh), Blansy, Hinny, Nuna, and Theastoria. It's a good book if you want a laugh.

Read on and have a great day!

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