The Weasel

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Draco gets slightly uncomfortable with the way Ron was touching his girlfriend. He confronts him about it and finds out it isn't the first time he's done it. 

May, 8th year 7 days before school is out

The Weasel's hands were way too close to her arse. He had his arm around her as they walked down the hallway. She didn't seem to notice, she was talking animatedly to Potter, who was on her other side. As they walked, his disgusting paw slipped lower and lower down her side. By now, it was practically on her hip. From where he stood, a few meters in front of them, he could practically see Hermione's face become more and more stressed. Well, at least she noticed

Her chocolate brown eyes met his steel grey ones. Help, they said.

He pushed himself off of the wall and stepped out of his shadowed alcove. "Weasel," he called. "What the fuck do you think you're doing with that arm?"

Weasley and Potter glanced up, and Hermione shot him a grateful glance. Weasel moved his arm. "No need to be so protective, Malfoy. We're just friends," Ron snapped with a glare. 

"But you see, Weasley. Hermione was rather uncomfortable with what you were doing. And maybe next time you should touch someone who is single." He took a step forward towards the ginger.

"I think Hermione was fine with it."

"Well, maybe you should let Hermione speak for herself next time then." He said pointedly, turning towards his girlfriend.

Hermione sighed and looked down at her hands. "Ron, it was kind of uncomfortable. I have a boyfriend, which I have told you many times before. You need to stop doing that."

Draco removed his gaze from Hermione and turned back to the Weasel. "You've done that before?" 

Ron scoffed. "No, I haven't. Stop lying, Hermione."

"And now you're accusing her of lying. That's fucked up, Weasley."

Ron was looking more and more panicked by the second. 

"Hermione doesn't mind. It's not like your relationship is going to last, and once you two break up, I'm going to date her."

Hermione gasped. "Excuse you, Ronald? I'm not just some possession you can pick up and put down. I'm a human, and besides, Draco and I are never going to break up."

"How can you so sure, Hermione? Who knows, maybe he'll cheat on you. I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't already."

"I would NEVER cheat on her, Weasel."

Ron scoffed and glanced at Hermione, who was nodding. "You don't seriously believe him, do you?"

Hermione glared at Ron. "I believe him. He would never cheat on me, and we are NEVER going to break up. So sorry, you don't get a chance."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because," Hermione pulled out her wand and pointed it at her left hand. "Finite," she whispered. "We are engaged." She held her hand up to his face, clearly showing the bright diamond ring on it. Gasps were sounded around the hall. Apparently, they had been so sucked up in their arguing they hadn't noticed the growing crowd. 

"Congratulations," Harry cut in. He hadn't spoken a word for the entire argument but had decided that now was a good time to step in before Ron exploded. "But we have to go to class. So maybe Ron can continue yelling later?"

Hermione nodded, kissed Draco on the cheek, grabbed both boys by the sleeves, and walked away to the next class. 

Welp, there goes that secret. 

This one is short, I wrote it when I was on my period and so fucking bored that I wanted to just write some shit and it's really terrible and I'm sorry. :) (:

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