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This oneshot was inspired by my Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone t-shirt cuz I wasn't going to write today but I looked at my t-shirt and decided that I would.

Draco POV

Draco watched as Hermione walked into the Great Hall. She sat down next to her friends Weasley and Potter and pulled a goblet of pumpkin juice towards her. She drank some before starting to talk to her friends. 

After a moment, Ginny Weasley's eyes flicked towards him with an expression of fear. He met her eyes and raised an eyebrow. Ginny gestured to the door of the Great Hall before standing up and walking out. Draco followed her slowly. 

The moment Draco exited through the doors, Ginny's hand grabbed his wrist and dragged him away. She pulled him into the nearest room (which happened to be Firenze's classroom) and shoved him onto the floor.

"Something happened to Hermione," she breathed as she sat down.

"What?" Draco's eyes stopped looking around the classroom and stared at the redhead.

"You know how only Blaise, Pansy, and I know you guys are dating?" 

Draco nodded. "Yes."

"Well someone gave her a love potion."


Ginny held up a hand to calm him. "Let me explain. She came down to the Great Hall today for breakfast and literally wouldn't stop talking about her new boyfriend Cormac. Apparently last night they talked and ended up getting together."

"That's impossible!" Draco explained. "She was with me last night."

"But McLaggen either has her under the Imperius or a love potion."

Draco brought his knees up to his chin. "Fuck," he whispered. 

"I know."

"What do we do?"

So, they composed a plan. Ginny would draw Hermione into the classroom where Draco was, and Draco would kiss her. If that wasn't enough, they would give her a antidote to a love potion and she would be back to normal. Thankfully, it was a Saturday, so no classes would interrupt their plans.

Draco stayed in the classroom while Ginny went back to the hall to get Hermione. Afte ra few minutes, he heard voices in the hallway.

"And he's so handsome, Ginny. And he talks about Quidditch so much, which I love. I love Quidditch," his girlfriend's voice said. Draco rolled his eyes, knowing full well that Hermione hates Quidditch.

"Mhmm," Ginny responded.

"And he- wait, where are you taking me? I-" Hermione shrieked as Ginny shoved her through the door and closed it. Hermione immediately felt around her pockets for her wand. 

When she didn't find it, she pounded on the door with her fists.

"Ginny let me out!" She shouted, slapping her hand against it and sliding down dramatically.

"She won't," Draco said, stepping over to her.

Hermione turned to him and snarled, "What are you doing here, Malfoy?"

The smirk lining his face dropped. "Why McLaggen of all people?"

"I don't know. I love him."

Draco's eyes filled with tears. "Really?"


He let out a shaky breath. "Ok. I have to do this. I'm sorry."

"W-" Her voice was cut off as his lips met hers. She pulled away immediately. "What are you-"

The room was silent for a moment as tears streamed down their cheeks. 

"Did I...?" Hermione's whisper trailed off as she looked at Draco.

She collapsed into his chest, sobbing. "I'm so sorry. I love you. I'm so so sorry."

"It's fine. I love you too," he murmured, the flow of his tears stopping.

"No, not it's not fine. I told you I loved someone else. You. The person that I love," she cried.

He tilted her chin up. "You were under the Imperius curse. You had no choice, darling."

"But Draco-"

"No buts, Granger. I know you love me, and that is all that matters." He kissed to top of her head and played with her brown curls, trying to calm her down.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too."

"McLaggen is going to pay."

"Yeah, he will."

Hermione POV

After Hermione untangled herself from her boyfriend and wiped the tears off her face, she marched straight back into the Great Hall where McLaggen was sitting with a smug look on his face.

She stalked straight up to him and punched him directly in the nose.

All noise in the hall died when they saw the Gryffindor Princess sock the boy she had claimed to be dating in the face. The smirk on his face died and was replaced by a pained expression, and he held his nose as she pulled out her wand.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to use the Imperius Curse on me! And not expect to be caught! And if it weren't for Ginny and my boyfriend, I would be stuck with your stupid arse."

"WHAT?!" A bunch of people from around the hall yelled. 

McLaggen stood up and sprinted from the hall. Hermione relaxed. An arm slithered around her waist and turned her to face the person the arm belonged to.

"I'm proud of you," her not-so-secret boyfriend murmured as he pecked her on the cheek.

She grinned up at him. "I'm proud of me too."

"Is it just me or is anyone else super confused?" Neville questioned from behind her. She turned around in Draco's arms to face her friends. Everyone except Ginny did look really confused. 

"Basically, Draco and I are dating and Ginny knew this so obviously when she heard about me and McLaggen being 'in love' she told him and they broke the Imperius curse."

"Does anyone else know?" Harry asked. "Other than Ginny, of course."

"Blaise and Pansy," Hermione answered. 

"You told Parkinson and Zabini but not us?" Ron looked hurt, as if he expected him and Harry to be the first person she told when she had shagged their enemy.

"Yup," she confirmed.

"I'm impressed, Hermione," Pansy exclaimed as she and Blaise walked up, arms linked. "That took a lot of nerve."

"Thanks, Pans," Hermione laughed. "Anyways, it's a Hogsmeade weekend and I have a butterbeer waiting for me in the Three Broomsticks, so" -she turned around into her boyfriend's chest- "Let's go, Draco." She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from their group of friends.

As they exited the school into the crisp morning air, Draco wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into him. "McLaggen's going to be in trouble. And now everyone knows about the two of us."

Hermione nodded. "I know."

"We should have told them in the first place and we could avoided this entire mess."

She shrugged. "It was fun sneaking around though."


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