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This story was requested by the lovely @Dramioneforever49 who asked for a Blaise's sister story. I'm so sorry this took so long to write.

No war AU

Hermione POV

"So, what are we doing today?" Hermione asked Blaise as he sat down at the breakfast table. 

"Draco, Theo, Adrian, Greg, and Vince are coming over and we are going to play Quidditch," Blaise told her as he pulled a quiche towards him and grabbed a fork.

"Cool," she commented, taking a sip of her tea. "I'll referee for you guys if you want."

"That would be great."

She nodded and finished off her final beignet. 

She finished her tea in silence as Blaise wolfed down his sausage and egg quiche, and once she was done she rose from her seat and went back to her room to get dressed. She got dressed in simple leggings and a crop top, put her hair in a messy bun, did simple makeup, and grabbed a book so she could wait until her brother's friends were here. 

Two hours later (11:00 am) she heard obnoxious knocking at the front door and a whole bunch of shouting. She left her room (also known as the east wing) and skipped down the massive staircase to the front foyer where all the shouting boys were. When she saw them, she had to roll her eyes at their immaturity. Theo had Blaise in a headlock, Draco was yelling at Vince and Greg, and Adrian was rolling on the floor laughing at something. 

Hermione cleared her throat loudly. All the fighting stopped, and Theo let Blaise fall to the floor, where Adrian was still laughing. 

"Something is seriously wrong with you people," she told them seriously, before smiling. 

"HERMIONE!" They all (minus Blaise) exclaimed, piling on for a hug. She laughed and hugged them back. 

"Come on, let's go play Quidditch," Blaise said, taking Hermione by the arm and dragging her outside as the other boys followed. 

"Ok, teams," Hermione said, clapping her hands together. "We have Blaise, Draco, and Greg versus Vince, Theo, and Adrian. No Seekers, just Chasers, Keepers, and a Beater on each team. Draco, you're Chaser for your team, Blaise, you're Keeper, Greg is Beater. Adrian; Chaser, Theo; Keeper, Vince will be Beater. I'll get the equipment, you guys get your brooms."

She left for the Quidditch shed. 

Draco POV

"She's so bossy," Adrian commented, staring after her. 

"She's got nice legs," Theo announced. 

"Hey, that's my sister!" Blaise exclaimed, playfully hitting Theo on the head. 

"Sorry, mate."

Draco had to agree. She did have nice legs. And a nice arse. And she was just pretty all together. Also her personality? Amazing.

Two Hours Later

Hermione POV

Around 1:00, the group all stumbled back into Zabini Manor to eat lunch. The boys all sat down at the table while Hermione went into the kitchen to get the food. She returned with a bowl of salad and a bowl of chicken alfredo. They all immediately dug in.

"So who won that again?" She asked. 

"I don't know," Blaise shrugged.

"Beats me," Adrian commented.

"I think it was us," Draco told the table. 

Vince shrugged. "Sure."

"It was definitely an amusing game though," Hermione announced. "Especially the part where-"

"We don't talk about that," Draco interrupted. Everyone laughed. 

"I owled Pansy and Daphne," Hermione said. "They're coming over and we're going to do something fun."

Draco groaned. "Why would you invite them?"

Hermione laughed. "Still scared of them?"

"I am not scared of them!" He objected. "I just find them extremely annoying."

"Yeah, because they're part of your fan club," she joked.

"Exactly," he confirmed. "They're obsessed with me."

"I don't know why," Hermione taunted.

"Because I'm handsome and perfect," Draco joked.

"No you aren't," she laughed.

"You sure?"


He tilted his head, studying her with silver eyes. "How about I prove to you that I am perfect."

"And how are you going to do that?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm going to take you on a date," he told her confidently. 

"You are?"


"Sure," she decided. "I'll go on a date with you."

He smirked. "Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven pm."

She nodded. "Fine."

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