The Quibbler

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A/N First, that fanart at the top makes me so happy like rglewlgrlweadfs SQUEAL!! Also, I love Draco with glasses. This oneshot is... a mess... and there isn't a lot of Dramione content in it.

Art isn't mine

Ginny grabbed the Quibbler from the owl and threw it on the table. She put the food on the plates and walked to the table, handing one to Harry and one to Ron. They began to gobble it down. 

She opened the Quibbler. 

She dropped the Quibbler.

Harry noticed the startled look on her face and took it. 

He dropped it as well.

Ron stopped with a fork full of food halfway to his mouth. "What?"

Ginny and Harry gestured to the magazine. 

Ron picked it up as well. He gasped. 

"What the hell?"

Ginny stood up. "We need to go to Mione's house and get an explanation."

She grabbed her wand from next to Harry and the boys stood as well, Harry taking the magazine. They grabbed her hand and she apparated.

They landed in Hermione's living room. 

Hermione dropped her coffee.

She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Yes?"

Ginny cleared her throat. "I'm assuming you haven't seen the Quibbler?"

Hermione shook her head. "Nope. Why? What is..." She trailed off as Harry thrust the magazine at her face. 

She gasped.

"Explain," Ginny said, crossing her arms. 

Hermione looked from the magazine in Harry's outstretched hand to Ginny's face and back again. "What exactly do I need to explain?"

Ron made an angry noise. "What do you need to explain? Explain that picture."

"Oh." Hermione gulped. "Well," she paused, turning to sit down on the couch and grabbing the magazine, "we..." 

"Why are you kissing Malfoy?"

"Well... I wasn't exactly expecting to be photographed. It was the middle of the night, in a park in the middle of Muggle London. And he looked like...really fucking hot."

"D-did you call Malfoy hot?" Ron spluttered. 

"I mean, have you seen him with glasses? And the way he styles his hair...he looks practically edible."

"EDIBLE?!" Three voices exclaimed. She nodded.

"And you can't see it in that picture, but he has knuckle tattoos and one ear piercing. So like... he basically looked like the hottest person on Earth. And I just really wanted to kiss him right then. He said something really sweet and I just had to."

"And...that doesn't really explain anything...but also why does it say 'Secret Relationship out in the Open'?" Harry asked slowly.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but Ron cut across before she could. "So we're just passing over the fact she called Malfoy 'edible' and 'the hottest person on Earth'?"

Ginny nodded.

Hermione took a deep breath. "It says secret relationship out in the open...well I'm assuming the reporter who photographed this heard us saying 'I love you' so they used a few brain cells and figured out that we are dating."



Malfoy chose that exact moment to stumble into the kitchen. "What's with all of the yelling?"


Hermione turned to him. "Good morning. I made coffee but sadly I ended up spilling mine so I'm drinking what's left of the pot."

He groaned. "I have to make my own?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes."

"Fine," he mumbled. "Hello, Weasel, Potter, Weaslette."

He walked away to go make coffee and Hermione turned back to the Gryffindors. 

"Any other questions?"

"What is Malfoy doing here?"

"Oh he lives here."


She nodded. "Technically it's his apartment."

Ginny exhaled shakily. "Okay, next question. How long have you two been dating? And when did you move in?"

"I moved in two months ago," she responded immediately. "We started dating," she turned to the kitchen, where the blonde was filling a pot with water, "What, a year and three months?"

He glanced up and nodded. 

She turned back around. "A year and three months. Next question!"

Ginny stood up. "That's all. I still can't believe you two are dating."

She shot the blonde in the kitchen a final glare, grabbed her boyfriend and brother by the arm, and Apparated away.

Hermione sighed and grabbed her remaining coffee. Her boyfriend walked over and kissed her on the cheek. "Morning, darling." She shot him a smile. "I'm sure we'll be interrogated at work. Actually, Pansy, Blaise, and Theo will probably be here soon to question us as well."

"We have the nosiest friends."

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