Dark Hermione

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A/N Apparently I take a week off from Wattpad (i was still reading way too much fanfiction, just on ao3 and ffnet) and I completely forget how to write. 

Oh well, here is an attempt at a Dark!Hermione oneshot (Dramione pairing as usual)

If you like dark Hermione and you want to read more, I urge you to try Fanfiction.net's cleotheo's Tales From the Dark Side, as well as all of her other stories because she has a lot of them and that is a lot of what I've been reading lately (it's also what inspired this story). They are an amazing writer.

If you don't like Dark Hermione... fuck off. 

Also, if someone calls this one cliche and predictable I will scream because honestly I have no idea where this went and I had a plan for how I would write this, but it turned out the complete opposite, and turned out as something I have never seen before.

TW: Mentioned Rape (there isn't actually any rape, Hermione knows who it is and is consenting with how he holds her as you see in the end, but the word is used and there are a fair few sexual innuendos) 

The cold, stone walls of the dungeon loomed around Hermione as she stirred, finally coming to consciousness. Beside her, two heads of orange hair were propped against the wall, the more masculine one vibrating slightly from his snores. 

Hermione sat up slowly, glancing around the cellar. She rolled her eyes at Ron beside her. He had drool dripping down her chin, and it was repulsive how loudly he was snoring. Ginny looked no better, she was shaking in her sleep and looked paler than normal.

When she looked down at her wrists, she noticed she was shackled to the wall by a short metal chain. She rubbed her wrists, which were turning red from rubbing against the shackles. 

"Where are we?" she wondered aloud, looking around. The cellar had one tiny window with bars in the back, but other than that it was completely bare and dark, save for a pile of chains in a corner.

Ron's snoring stopped, and his arm twitched. 

He woke abruptly, sitting up and looking around hurriedly. When he saw Hermione, he breathed a sigh of relief but it was cut short when he saw they were in an unfamiliar place.

"Where are we?" He asked loudly, moving to stand but failing and noticing the chains around his wrists. 

Hermione shrugged. "I have no clue. We've been captured though."

"What?" Ron exclaimed, not lowering his volume. Hermione shushed him, she didn't want their captors knowing they were awake just yet.

"Remember, we were walking through the woods. I'm assuming someone spotted us and stunned us before taking us...wherever we are."

"Oh good, our prisoners are awake," a voice from the stairway drawled. "Well, two of them."

Hermione's head turned instantly, and she took in the sight of a masked Death Eater holding a black wand, standing at the top of the stairs in front of the door. 

They walked down the stairs slowly, coming to a stop right in front of the duo. "The Dark Lord wants to see you."

Ron snorted at the mention of the 'dark lord' but Hermione stayed quiet, silently praying the person behind the mask was exactly who she thought it was.

The Death Eater magically removed the shackles from the wall, taking the chains himself as two more Death Eaters joined them. One of the new guys took Ron's chains while the first one took Hermione's, wrapping the chains around his wrists and pulling her up. The third knelt down next to Ginny and muttered a "Rennervate" quickly, before standing her up and propping her on her legs.

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