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In this oneshot, Hermione and Draco had been secretly meeting during the war and fell in love. After the war, Draco disappeared. Hermione goes to find him.


It took two years. Two years of constant searching. She barely slept. She checked newspaper articles, credit card receipts, plane ticket archives, anything. She needed to find him.

Today, she was in Singapore. She had found a series of receipts and plane tickets that were all charged to a person who lived here, and they seemed like very Draco things to buy. She had asked other residents and they all had told her that yes, a man with white-blonde hair and grey eyes lived here. 

She stopped outside the window, glancing in. Her heart stopped. That was him. There was no way it couldn't be. She could see it in his hair, the platinum-blonde color that always drove her crazy. She could see it in his posture, the regal and formal way he held himself that just screamed 'pure-blood.' She could see it in his clothes, the all-black attire that looked both comfortable and professional. 

There was no mistaking, no possible way that it was not Draco Malfoy. She stared at him, drinking in the sight of him after all of this time. It had been so long since she had seen that face. Those eyes. That stupid smirk that he always wore. She needed him. He glanced up, and she looked down, pretending to be interested in the time on her watch. Once didn't feel his burning gaze on her anymore, she glanced up again. 


He sat at the table, glancing down at his newspaper. Calmly, he took a sip of his coffee. His copy of the wizarding newspaper, the 'Singapore Gazette' (terrible name), had a picture on the cover of a certain brunette. The title was, (in Mandarin, the official language for wizards in Singapore) 'British War Hero, Defeater of Voldemort, Visits Singapore'. His heart sped up slightly. Shit. Her being here could not be a coincidence. This is what he got from staying in one place for more than a month. 

He took another sip of his coffee. He needed a plan. As much as he wanted to run to her, and kiss every inch of her, he couldn't. Weasley loved her, she loved Weasley, and they needed to be together. He was doing something for someone else for once in his life. 

Costa Rica was still an option. There was also a magic yacht somewhere in the Philippines that belonged to his dead aunt. He could sail around the Mediterranean. He glanced up at the window. His heart dropped into his stomach. 

That was her. There was no way it wasn't. Her hair, though slightly shorter and tamer, was still the soft brown curls it had always been. Her skin was still clear, with a splatter of freckles along her neck. He almost laughed. She hadn't even covered the 'Mudblood' on her arm. That just made it obvious. 

He stood, glancing away from the beautiful brunette. He practically ran to the door, throwing it open when he got there.  


He was standing there, in the doorway. Looking at her with a startled expression in his stormy grey eyes. His mouth formed her name, but she didn't hear him. She just stared. Taking in the sight of him. He looked healthier than before but still pale. He probably always would be. His hair wasn't gelled to perfection, it hung down in his eyes. She wanted to run her hands through it. 

Then her eyes narrowed. She whipped her wand out, pointing it at him. He blinked. "What are you planning on doing with that?" 

"I should kill you for all the trouble you put me through. Or at least tie you up and put you in jail for emotional damage."

He snorted. "That's a bit extensive."

"I don't care. You're so fucking stupid. Why, why would you leave?" she asked, tears coming to her eyes. 

"I had to," he responded softly. "You don't belong with me. I don't deserve you."

"What makes you think that?" she whispered, tears streaming freely down her face. "You don't get to make my decisions for me."

"According to Weasel, you belonged with him. Besides, 'Mia." The nickname made her choke on a sob and she had to restrain herself from jumping into his arms. "I've done things I regret. I don't deserve someone as good as you."

"I've done just as many bad things as you," she replied. "Wait, what do you mean Ron said I belong with him?"

He sighed. "Come inside. I'll tell you."

She shook her head. "No-"

"Come on. You look tired."

"Fine." He held the door open wider, gesturing in. She stepped through. Once inside, she looked around. This place was so very... him. One of the walls of the sitting-room she had stepped into was covered in books. The window was shut, covered in silver curtains. The black leather couch against the back wall matched perfectly with the dark hardwoods. There was also a glass coffee table with swirling silver table legs. It was an open concept, and the kitchen, which she could see easily, had marble countertops, stainless steel Muggle appliances, and a fancy coffee machine that probably cost as much as her car. Which was saying a lot, because her car was expensive. 

She plopped down on the couch and noticed a cat bed tucked out of sight in the corner. She pointed to it. He smiled and walked away, coming back seconds later with a tiny black kitten. 

"Her name is Juno," he told her softly as he put the tiny cat in her lap. 

She nodded and gestured for him to sit. "Tell me what Ron did."

He sighed again. "I got an owl one day from him, talking about you. He said he wanted to meet and talk. I went to meet him. He told me he knew about us..."

"Hooking up."

"Yeah, that. He said that you two were dating and that if it continued, he would kill me. He said, and I quote, 'She's mine. She loves me. We're meant to be.' Two days later, the final battle started. When you guys won, I ran. I knew you would look for me. You always do. So I hid. And whenever you got close, I left. I assumed you would give up eventually, but apparently not."

"So basically Ronald lied and said we were dating to keep you away?" she asked angrily. "That son of a bitch... I'm going to gut him." Her grip tightened on his cat, and he grabbed Juno before she could be harmed. He set the cat down and she yawned and walked over to her bed in the corner. 

"It's comments like that that make me think you could've been in Slytherin."

"And he talked like I was a possession? That's fucked up. And what do you mean you assumed I would give up? I would never give up on you." She turned to glare at him.

"Yes, you would," he scoffed.

"No, I wouldn't."

"Why not?" He asked. 

"Because I love you."

"Because you- wait what?" 

"I love you."

His gaze sharpened. God, she had forgotten what it was like to be caught in those eyes. That predatorial gaze that made her feel like she was drowning. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer. "Say it again."

"I love you."

He lifted her up onto his lap, straddling him. "I love you too," he whispered, before capturing her lips in his. 

A/N that went way off track from where it was supposed to be. My fingers have minds of their own. I lowkey had to stop myself from writing them having sex. Just imagine it if you want. I didn't know what to title this, so 'Singapore' will have to do. Song-shot coming soon. 

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