The Jump

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A/N Hi... So I don't really know what to say about this one. I was in a bad mood and decided to write this. It's really dark. If you have ever thought about committing or know someone who has, skip this, please. 

TW: Attempted Suicide

Hermione POV

It would be so easy, she thought. To just jump, and forget all of the stress and the worries. Let everyone be free. I'm just a burden. Just one big leap and I'm gone.

She stared over the railing of the Astronomy Tower. It looked like such a long distance down. Will it hurt? No, it won't. Harry said it is 'quicker and easier than falling asleep.' Just one leap, and it's all over. Draco won't have to love her anymore. He can do what his family wants. Ron and Harry won't have to include her anymore. The Weasleys won't have to take care of me anymore. Come on, just do it. 

But something stopped her. 

Draco POV

"Where's Hermione?" he asked Ginny.

"I don't know," she responded. "She's been missing for hours. She said she was going to the library."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "She's not there. I already checked. Has she seemed... off the past few days?"

Ginny nodded. "Yeah. She hasn't eaten. Hasn't smiled. She keeps just leaving at random times. Apparently, she's been going to the Astronomy Tower."

Draco jumped up. "The Astronomy Tower?"

Ginny nodded, startled. 

"Fuck, she's gonna jump," he muttered, before sprinting away. He heard Ginny calling after him, but he just kept running. Once he got to the steps, he saw a shadow standing at the top. He sped up the steps and saw Hermione standing at the railing, poised to jump. Hurriedly, he cast a Leg-Locker curse. 

"Stop, Hermione," he pleaded.

She turned around. "Draco?"

"Don't- just think about it. Please, don't jump."

"Why not? I'm just a burden."

"What? No, you're not."

"Yes, I am," she demanded. "Harry and Ron only like me for my intelligence. The Weasleys feel bad for me. You feel bad for me."

"I don't feel bad for you!"

She scoffed. "Then why are you dating me?" 

"Because I love you! Isn't that obvious?" 

"No, you don't. Look, when I'm gone, you'll be free to be with Astoria."

"I don't want Astoria! I want you!"

"No, Draco," she murmured, shaking her head. "I'm just a mudblood. I don't deserve you."

"Don't say that," he snapped. "You are NOT a mudblood."

"Yes, I am!"

"No, you aren't," he said softly. "You're Hermione Granger. The Brightest Witch of Her Age. One-third of the Golden Trio. The Gryffindor Princess. The woman I love with all of my heart. My everything. I need you, ok? Don't do this, please."

She swallowed. "ok," she whispered. 


"Ok," she said, nodding.

"Good. Now, come away from the railing, please." Before she could do what she was planning and jump unexpectedly, his hands grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms so he was holding her, bridal style. "I'm going to take you back inside now because it is freezing out here." 

He carried her all the way back to Gryffindor Tower. "Password?" the Fat Lady asked. 

"Acta non verba," he told the portrait. She swung open immediately, shooting Hermione, who was still deathly pale, a worried glance.

He stepped through the doorway and headed over to a couch to put her down. Once her friends saw her, they ran over and started asking questions. 

"Mione, where were you?"

"Are you ok?"

"Did Malfoy hurt you?"

"What happened?"

Draco cleared his throat. Hermione had completely ignored them and was staring into the fireplace. "She really isn't in the mood to talk, guys."

"What happened?" Ginny asked again, softer this time.

Draco sat down and pulled Hermione into his lap. "She tried to jump."

"She tried to- No, Hermione wouldn't," Weasel said. "You're lying. You hurt her."

"I did," Hermione said, glaring at Weasel. "Draco would never hurt me. He was the only one who cared enough to see if I was okay."

"Hermione, are you okay?" Harry asked in a soft voice. 

Hermione sighed, leaning back into her boyfriend. "I will be."

"I'll make sure of it," Draco said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 

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