Winter Solstice Ball

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The Malfoys host their annual Winter Solstice Ball and Hermione's friends whom she hasn't seen in years are invited. This one is actually inspired by @emilynicole96 's work titled 'Just A Warm Up'

"Let me get you a drink," Draco said as Hermione sat down at the table he was at.

"No alcohol," she commanded. He nodded, stood up, and left.

She sighed and leaned back in her chair, wishing she could have just had a normal night instead of being forced to attend this stupid ball with a bunch of purebloods who were too nosy for their own good. Hermione didn't exactly fancy being on the front page of the Daily Prophet, and if people found of who she was with and that she was pregnant, that was sure to be all they talked about for weeks. 

"Hermione?" Came a nervous whisper from behind her. She turned around to see a familiar bespectacled face.

"Harry!" She exclaimed, standing up carefully and embracing her old friend. "How are you! It's been so long!"

"I'm great," Harry responded, pulling away from the hug and looking her over. "Wow Hermione, you look different."

She laughed. "Yeah, having kids does that to you."

The Chosen One gasped. "You have kids?"

She nodded. "Three. Twins and a boy."

"Wow. Who's the lucky guy?"

"Oh, he's-"

"Harry!" someone behind them shouted. "Can you please tell Ron to stop being a piggish asshole?"

Harry sighed. "Guys, I'm trying to have a conversation here."

Ginny turned to Hermione. "I'm sorry I need to borrow-" Ginny stopped trying to drag Harry away and her mouth dropped open in shock. "Hermione?"

"Hi Ginny," Hermione said, grinning. 

"Harry, tell your wife to stop-" Ron stopped in his tracks a meter away from them.

"Hi, Ron." 

They were interrupted once again by Narcissa Malfoy. "Hello, Mr. Weasley, Mr. and Mrs. Potter," Narcissa greeted before turning to Hermione. "Lucius is mad at you for some reason. Something about your kids, or as he called them, your 'devil's leeches'."

Hermione laughed. "They stole something from his study and refused to tell me what they stole. I expect, knowing Callum, that it was something important."

Narcissa nodded. "Based on his anger levels, probably. He wants you to find your kids and make them give back what they stole."

"I'll go do that," Hermione told Narcissa. Then she turned to her former friends. "Excuse me, I'll be back in a bit." 

She left before they responded. Narcissa nodded to them and walked away. 

"That was weird," Ron said. "Why do Mione's kids know the Malfoys?"

Harry shrugged. "Maybe her husband is friends with them."

"Hello, Potters," Pansy said from behind them. "Enjoying your night?"

Ginny smiled warmly at the woman. "Yes, thank you for asking. You?"

Pansy nodded. Blaise walked over. "Hello, Gryffindorks."

Pansy slapped him. "Can you be nice for once?"

"No, he can't," another voice interrupted from the side. 

"Malfoy," Harry acknowledged. 

"Potter," Draco replied, tipping the glass in his hand in Harry's direction. "Good to see you. You as well, Mrs. Potter, Weasley."

"How come she gets a Mrs and I'm just Weasley?" Ron complained.

"Because she is nice to us," Pansy responded. "Have any of you seen Hermione?"

Harry nodded. "She just left like a minute ago. Something about Lucius Malfoy being mad at her kids because they stole something?"

Draco sighed. "Those twins are trouble. But father can never stay mad at them for long."

"True. Unlike my parents," Blaise laughed. "Who haven't spoken to my daughter Jacqueline in months because she pranked them with Muggle water balloons."

"Oh, so you guys have families?" Ginny asked. 

They all nodded. "Married, two kids, another on the way," Blaise said.

They looked at Pansy. "Oh, I'm Blaise's wife," she laughed, gesturing at her husband. 

Ginny gasped. "You're pregnant? Congratulations!"

"Thanks," Pansy and Blaise said together. 


"Married, three kids, another on the way," Draco told them, taking a sip of the drink that was supposed to be Hermione's.

"Who are you married to?"

"Oh, I'm married to-"

"DRACO MALFOY!" A voice screeched. The group turned to find a very angry Hermione with three blonde kids following her. Draco winced at the sound of the pregnant woman's angry screech. 

"Yes?" He asked. Harry's hand was inching towards the wand he had in his pocket. 

"I was informed by my children that you gave them a key to Lucius's study and told them to steal something for you. Is this true?"

"Traitors," Draco growled playfully, turning towards the children. 

"Mum made us tell her!" They exclaimed, pointing towards Hermione. "She threatened us with bodily harm!"

Hermione sighed. "Sorry, children. Now go eat some food."

They disappeared into the crowd. Hermione sighed again and turned to Draco. "I gave your father back the papers you stole."

Draco held out the Shirley Temple he had in his hand. "Here's your drink. I'm sorry for bribing our kids into doing stuff for me."

She took the drink and stepped closer to her husband. "It's fine. I'm sorry for threatening them."

He chuckled. "It's the pregnancy hormones."

He pulled her into him and she buried her face in his neck. "I don't wanna go to this stupid ball," she complained. 

"Well my parents like you more for it," he told her, kissing her on top of the head. 

She laughed into his skin. "They like me enough anyways. They like me more than you."


She pulled away from him and turned back to her friends and former friends. "So, Harry, Ginny, Ron, enjoying your night?"

They stayed silent, staring at her in shock.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"So this is who you married," Ginny breathed.

Hermione nodded with a smile. "It was nice to see you, maybe owl me and we can get together sometime. But I need some sleep." She waved to Blaise and Pansy, grabbed Draco by the hand, and walked away. 

"10 galleons says they left to go have sex," Blaise commented as their friends walked away.

"I'm not taking that bet," Pansy responded. 

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