Ice blonde hair, piercing grey eyes

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Not a lot of Dramione content at the start of this one, it mostly follows Scorpius and Draco as Draco quickly finds out who Scorpius is. But eventually, you will get some fluff.

Just before her breakup with Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger realized she was pregnant with his baby. What happens when, 12 years later, Scorpius Granger heads to Hogwarts and is put in Slytherin, with his father his Head of House and Potions instructor? Will Draco connect the dots and realize this is, in fact, his child?

11 years and 11 months ago

'Draco...we need to break up,' were the words she wrote as she sobbed at her kitchen table, tears falling and staining the page. 'I love you, I really do. But we can't be together. You know it, your parents know it, all of society knows it. I'm just a muggleborn, and we clearly can't be together for the long run. I'm so sorry. Love always, Hermione.'

She tucked the letter into an envelope, sealed it with wax, and attached it to her owl's leg. The real reason she was breaking up with him was partly because of what other people would think, but it was also because she was pregnant. She knew that when people found out about the baby they would think that Draco was a disgrace to his pure-blood name, and there was no way Hermione was going to let that happen.

"It's just you and me know, little one," she whispered to her still-flat-but-not-for-long stomach.

11 years and 11 months later

"Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat shouted, and with a proud smile, Scorpius walked towards the table at the far side of the room. He would have preferred Gryffindor, but both he and his mother had admitted he fit the profile of a Slytherin much more. 

He sat down next to an olive-skinned girl who looked a couple of years older than him. As the Sorting continued, he glanced around the hall. James Potter was glaring at him, (probably for being Sorted into Slytherin) but Rose Weasley was grinning softly and looked happy for him. 

Up at the teacher's table, Deputy Headmaster Neville Longbottom was introducing the next student, and Professor McGonagall was sitting there looking bored. A blonde man with piercing grey eyes much like his own had his gaze trained on Scorpius, a look of recognition on his face. 

Scorpius avoided his gaze and watched Hugo Weasley get Sorted into Gryffindor, and Neville shut the scroll with a flourish, announcing that the Sorting was done and they could eat now. 

First Potions class

Scorpius rocked back and forth on his chair, glancing nervously around the Potions classroom. His head of house, Professor Malfoy, seemed to have taken an interest in Scorpius and his eyes had immediately met Scorpius's when he entered the classroom.

"Can anyone tell me what Gillyweed does?" The professor asked.

Scorpius's hand shot into the air, almost on reflex. 

"What is your name, blondie?" the professor questioned, nodding in his direction.

"Scorpius Granger," he responded nervously. "Gillyweed causes the user to grow gills and gain the ability to breathe underwater."

"Correct, Mr. Granger," Draco confirmed. "I would expect nothing less from someone with your mother."

Scorpius smiled slightly. 

Over the course of the class, Scorpius was called on to answer four more questions and the teacher was being extremely nice to him, making Scorpius think that he had already found a kind professor in his head of house. 

The next day, he sat down on his bed in his room with parchment and an Auto-ink quill to write to his mother. 

Dear Mum, 

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