From An Outsider's View

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For this oneshot, I have someone seeing Dramione from an outside view. I love putting myself in stories even if it is by a different name, so this is me.

The character's name is Scarlett Greene, a Slytherin in Hermione and Draco's year. She's one of his best friends and is known as the female version of him. Except probably a little more badass. 

Encounter #1 

I threw open the trapdoor to the Divination classroom and stepped through, pulling my book from her bag as I went. I looked up, glancing around the overly warm and incense-scented room before stopping, eyes going wide.

Sitting on one of the desks was Hermione Granger. Standing between her legs, leaning slightly on her left thigh, was Draco Malfoy. I almost laughed. But then, he pecked her on the lips.



And then he finally kissed her, properly, deeply, like a kiss I had never seen before. Of course, I've seen those raging, hormone-filled kisses. I'd been a part of them. But this kiss was different. It looked like it was filled with emotion. It was slow and exaggerated. 


It took me a moment to realize the voice was mine. 

They jumped about two meters apart. I burst out laughing. That's one way to cure a panic attack. 

Encounter #2

Scarlett POV

...So I'm disappointed to inform you that you can't come home for Christmas this year. Your dad's state is still too fragile.

           Love, Stella Greene

I groaned, threw the letter into the fireplace, and grabbed one of the many bottles of firewhisky from the table next to the couch. After opening the bottle, I grabbed a cigarette from the pack in my pocket and lit it. Plopping down on the couch, I took a gulp of the whiskey and a drag of the cigarette. 

A door creaked open from above. Two figures descended down the staircase, a girl and a boy. I exhaled, the smoke clouding the air. With a flick of my wand, the lights turned on. 

Oh, how interesting. A cruel smile crept onto my lips. The school's newest power couple, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. And one of them wasn't fully dressed. All she was wearing was a baggy black t-shirt and a pair of shorts. They were frozen, staring at me like deer caught in headlights. 

"Morning, lovebirds," I said with a giggle. I plopped back down on the couch.

"Are you drinking at... 5 am in the morning?" Hermione looked shocked.


"Are Slytherins ever truly sober?" 

I let out a short, humorless laugh. "Nope. I wonder why....."

Someone grabbed the bottle from my hands. "We need some way to drown our sorrows, don't we?" The blonde sat directly on my legs, forcing me to move them and kick him in the head. Hermione scowled. I handed him my cigarette. He took a puff.

"I thought you quit smoking?" I asked. He coughed slightly.

"I did." He handed the cigarette back. I held it out to Hermione. She looked at it skeptically for a second. 

Sigh. "Fine." She grabbed it and inhaled the toxic fumes, blowing them all out in one breath. Without coughing a single time. We looked at her in shock. She handed it back. "Smoking was... a coping mechanism... over the summer. Still is..."

"Who knew the Gryffindor Princess had such a dark side. But you are dating The Slytherin Prince, so... I guess I should've expected it."

Draco sighed. "Anyway, we were going to the kitchens to get some food from the house elves, wanna come?"

"Sure," I responded, stubbing out the cigarette on the ashtray that was conveniently on the side table. "But maybe you should put some more clothes on."

Encounter #3 (TW: BLOOD)

Blood was everywhere. It was coating my hands, my nose, and the hallway. I shoved Mclaggen away after giving him one more punch. He collapsed onto the floor.

"That'll teach you not to bully my friends," I said, bending down to his level. "Don't call Draco spoiled and privileged, because he's not. He's been through so much in the past two years and you don't get to call him that. Don't call Hermione that filthy term. She isn't. And it might not hurt her when someone says it, but you still shouldn't say it. Also, don't call her a slag or a slut. She's with Draco because she loves him. And lastly, do not call Blaise and Theo 'Malfoy's dumb minions' because they are both smarter than you will ever be." I kicked him in the crotch once more before walking away to wash off the blood. 

At the end of the corridor, I turned left and crashed directly into someone's chest. I mumbled an apology and kept walking, my head down. Someone grabbed my elbow. I went stumbling back into a hard chest. 

"Why are you covered in blood?" A familiar voice asked. I sighed. Draco. And of course, Hermione was attached to his arm, because they never go anywhere without the other. 


"What did he do?" He was furious. I almost laughed.

"Are you forgetting my reputation, little brother? I was clearly the one who did this. It isn't my blood. Well, a little of it is." I held up my bruised and bleeding knuckles. Hermione grimaced. I grinned, feeling blood leaking from my split lip. I licked the blood from my lip. 

"He insulted you guys to his friends. I defended you," I said simply. 

"What did he say?" Hermione questioned. 

I sighed. "He called Draco a 'privileged spoiled pureblood brat' and called Granger that terrible word, as well as a 'slag and a slut' and then called Blaise and Theo 'Malfoy's dumb minions.' He also insulted me, but I couldn't care less about that. So I kicked him from behind and his dumb-ass friends ran off. Probably to tell a teacher. And then... he was like 'what, you don't like me insulting your friends, you stupid whore?' and I just... lost control. I'll probably be expelled." 

Hermione looked shocked. Draco looked angry and proud. 

"Oh, that is unacceptable," said a voice from behind me. I jumped and turned around. "Mr. McLaggen's friends told me differently, but I don't think you are lying. However, attacking a peer because they insulted your friends is still not okay, so you will serve detention for the rest of the term. Also, please get rid of the blood."

"Professor, what exactly did McLaggen's friends tell you?" Hermione asked. 

McGonagall pulled a sour face. "They said Miss Greene attacked their friend unprovoked in the middle of the hallway. Your first detention is this Saturday with Professor Slughorn. I suggest you clean up now." With that, the headmaster left. 

A/N this one doesn't really count as Dramione but I had nowhere else to post it so here you go!

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