All eight of them.

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After the battle, Hermione and her friends are in for a bit of a surprise regarding each other's love lives. NottPott, Blinny, Ransy

Harry limped into the hall, looking around worriedly. When he caught sight of his boyfriend, however, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards him. Theo stood up to meet him and pulled Harry into his arms. 

"Thank fuck you're okay," he breathed, planting kisses all over Harry's face and holding him tighter. "I love you."

"Wait what?" a familiar voice stuttered, and Harry released himself from Theo's grasp to see Ron, hand in hand with Pansy Parkinson, staring at them in shock.

"Since when has this been a thing?" Pansy asked as she hugged Theo.

"Fourth year," Harry sighed, sitting down at the table beside him. "You two?"


"I fucking knew it," someone else called from behind them and Harry pivoted on his seat to see Blaise Zabini sauntering towards them. "Anyone seen Ginny?"

"Right here, babe," Ginny (whom no one had seen approach them) said. Blaise noticed her and his eyes lit up, and he jogged towards her to kiss her.

"Wait," Pansy laughed. "So we're all dating Gryffindorks in secret?"

Harry shrugged. "I guess."

"Now we just have to tell..." Blaise trailed off, glancing at the door nervously.

"Draco," Theo sighed. "If he made it."

Ginny sighed as well. "And we have to tell Hermione."

Harry looked around the hall, finding Hermione at the back of their table, staring unwaveringly at the doors. 

"She looks stressed," Pansy commented, dragging Ron to the table to sit down. Blaise and Ginny sat down as well, and Theo scooted closer to Harry.

"Maybe-" Ginny stopped as Hermione stood up and began walking towards the doors, and the group of six followed her with their eyes. 

Draco Malfoy appeared in the doorway, his eyes catching Hermione's. He had just enough time to open his arms before she ran into his arms and kissed him firmly on the lips. From Harry's point of view, he saw Draco pull her closer and tilt his head to deepen the kiss.

Theo opened and closed his mouth in shock. 

Harry laughed. "We should have seen that coming."

They continued watching as all eyes in the Hall turned to the couple at the entrance, who were still snogging fiercely.

When they finally separated, more than five minutes later, Draco wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist and they walked to the table the rest of them were sitting at.

"How long has this been going on?" Ginny questioned as she and Blaise scooted over to make room for Hermione and Draco.

"Since our fourth year," Hermione replied.

"This is hilarious," Pansy laughed. 

"I can't even be offended that you didn't tell us because we did it too!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Honestly, I'm just surprised 'Mione and Harry kept a secret for so long," Ron commented.

"Hey! I'm great at keeping secrets! Remember third year, with the Time-Turner?"

"Fine, I'm surprised Harry kept a secret for so long," Ron responded. "I didn't even know you were gay."

"Ha, I knew," Hermione taunted.

"You told Hermione but not me?" Ron gasped, offended.

"Nah, it's just obvious. Remember how weird he was with Cho?"

"Cho?" Theo questioned, glaring at his boyfriend.

"That was when Theo and I were on a little break," Harry laughed. "For zero reason whatsoever."

"Oh, fifth year."

"But then I realized Theo was perfect for me." Harry took Theo's hand and kissed it, and Theo blushed.

"You two are adorable," Hermione sighed.

"Not as adorable as us," Draco teased, pulling Hermione backwards into his chest and kissing her on the cheek. She smiled up at him and placed a kiss on his jaw.

"Gross, now we're going to have to suffer through public displays of affection from those two," Theo groaned. 

Hermione laughed and stood up, holding her hand out to her boyfriend. "I wanna meet your parents."

Draco stood as well, taking her hand and dragging her away to the far side of the hall.

A/N short cute little oneshot. Also, you have no idea how much I ship NottPott now after reading The Binding on ao3. Totally recommend it if you haven't read it, it's by Curly_Kay (or maybe CurlyKay, idk how it's spelt)

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