Assassin Partners

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The war had been going on for years. After an incident where Hermione had cast a Killing Curse during a raid, Kingsley and McGonagall had sent her to train with Snape to become a killer for their side. After months of sending her on dangerous trips, he finally decides to get her a partner. 

"Absolutely not," she snapped, crossing her arms and glaring at the man in front of her. 

"It's not up for debate, Miss Granger. The two of you will work together," Kingsley replied calmly. 

"But he's a Death Eater!" she exclaimed. 

"Yes, but he is also a spy," Professor McGonagall said. "And you two will work very well together."

She scoffed, glancing around the room. "I can tell." The couch she had been formerly sitting on was still partly on fire, and the side table was in pieces from the charm she had sent at his head. 

"You two are the best killers the Order has, and we need you guys for missions. So you will do it."

She opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted. "Won't my cover be blown if I'm going on missions against them?" Malfoy, her supposed 'partner' asked.  

"That won't be a problem. You will kill them all." Hermione stared in shock at McGonagall, who she had never taken as the type to be okay with killing. 

"I'll do it," Malfoy said.


Malfoy sighed, turning towards her. "Look, I just want to do something for the right side, and even if it means working with you and killing my friends, I'm grateful for the opportunity."

She opened and closed her mouth a few times, before rolling her eyes. Why, she thought. Why am I so unlucky that I have to work with Malfoy.

"I'll do it. When's our first mission?"

Kingsley smiled. "In 3 weeks. We caught wind about a storage place for Death Eaters a couple of kilometers away from our new headquarters. You guys are going to blow it up and kill all of the guards. But first, you guys need to train. Also, there is a safe house where both of you will be staying."

Hermione's mission outfit

Hermione's mission outfit

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Draco's mission outfit

Draco's mission outfit

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