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Hermione POV

"It's disgusting, honestly," Ronald's voice said from somewhere a few meters away. "All the PDA. Do they really need to do that everywhere?"

Hermione heard Harry sigh. "It's not as bad as you in the sixth year, Ron. You and Lavender were everywhere."

They turned the corner, stopping short at the sight of their best friend. "Hey, 'Mione!" Harry exclaimed. "What's up?"

Hermione shrugged nonchalantly, pretending she hadn't been listening to their conversation about her. "Nothing. Just going down to the lake."

"Let us join you!" Harry said, linking his arm through hers. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she mumbled. She allowed Harry to drag her through the waves of students and out of the hall. "You can walk me there. But then you have to leave."

Once they got there, she plopped down at the edge of the lake underneath an oak tree. 

"Now shoo," she told them motioning with her hands for them to leave.

"Why do we have to go?" Ron complained. 

"'Cause I have a date," Hermione replied, pulling a hand mirror out of her bag. She applied a little bit of lipgloss and then put it back in her bag. "Draco's just late. Probably still fixing his hair."

"Fine," Ron sighed, grabbing Harry and pulling him away. Hermione turned around and looked at the tree. 

"You can come out now," she told the air.

Draco Malfoy appeared from behind the tree, wearing a black button-down and black jeans with a chain. He sat down beside her. "Hello, beautiful."

She pecked him on the lips. "Hi."

Harry POV

Ron and Harry ducked behind a bush near enough to the oak tree to listen to Hermione's date. Malfoy had appeared beside her, and they kissed. Ron rolled his eyes beside Harry.

"Now, what are we doing out here?" Hermione asked.

Malfoy flicked his wand and a basket materialized. "A picnic!"

Hermione snorted. "You're so basic." Harry nodded, agreeing with his friend.

Malfoy glared at her as he set his wand aside. "How the hell is a picnic basic?"

"Because it is cheesy and cliche," Hermione told him as she grabbed the basket and opened it. "And...OH! You made cheesecake!"

She grabbed something from the basket and pulled it out. "You're such a romantic sap."

"Did you come out here just to insult me?"

Hermione laughed and cupped her boyfriend's face. "You are adorable and I love you." Ron gagged beside him. Harry played along and fake retched.

"Are you just saying that because I made your cheesecake?"

She nodded. 

He glared playfully at her. "Fine, eat the cheesecake I took like 5 minutes to make."

"Hold on," she said. "Let me look at the rest of the food first."

She pulled out a bottle of butterbeer. "Yum."

Next, she grabbed what appeared to be a tray of mini sandwiches. "Are these...?"

"Cheese and avocado?" He finished. "Yup. Your favorite."

"You really are a romantic sap," she told him as she bit into one of the sandwiches. "But you made me my favorite food, so I can't complain."

They ate food and Harry and Ron conversed quietly in their bush. Eventually, the couple was done eating food and it was dark outside. They were laying on their backs in the grass, stargazing, and Harry's knees were screaming at him. As quietly as possible, he sat down.

"Look, it's Draco!" Hermione said, pointing at the sky. Malfoy chuckled beside her.

"We should go inside, curfew is soon," Ron whispered from beside Harry. He nodded and they stood up, sneaking away as quietly as possible. Of course, the couple were too busy being adorable to notice them.

"I changed my mind about them," Harry said once they were out of earshot. "They are adorable, and Malfoy clearly loves her."

Ron sighed sadly. "I know. They're so cute."

Harry placed a comforting hand on his best mate's arm. "You'll find someone."

Ron nodded. "I just wish that someone was Hermione, you know?"

"I know," Harry responded sadly. "But sadly Malfoy and Hermione are together. And judging by how bloody cute they are, they probably won't break up anytime soon."

A/N Somehow I'm still keeping up with the daily updates, even though I have almost 0 inspiration. Feel free to request something, I'm out of ideas and am willing to do anything at this point. 

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