The Party

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When Hermione invited Ron to her party, he expected to rekindle their relationship. Instead, he spent the night confused as he watched Hermione on the arm of his blonde arch-nemesis.

He wrung his hands nervously as he stood in the doorway of the venue that was currently being rented by his ex-girlfriend, Hermione Granger. She had sent the invitation to the formal party weeks ago, and he had spent a good amount of time stressing about it. How quickly to respond, what to wear, and why she had invited him. He had come to the conclusion that she obviously wanted to get back together with him. Who wouldn't? He was the Chudley Cannons' prize Keeper and a war hero.

An aristocratic drawl behind him tore him from his thoughts. "Why so nervous, Weasel?"

Ron spun, rolling his eyes at the sight before him. Malfoy was dressed in a black button-down with black jeans with a silver chain, leaning against the wall behind him. 

"None of your business, Malfoy," he snarled. "Why are you here? Surely Hermione wouldn't invite Death Eater trash to her party."

Draco snorted. "Maybe Hermione isn't as prejudiced as you."

Ron's nostrils flared angrily, his hand sneaking towards his back pocket where he kept his wand. "If you ruin tonight for me, I will kill you, Malfoy."

"How am I going to 'ruin' tonight for you, Weasley?" Draco questioned, pushing off of the wall. 

"I'm getting back together with Hermione," Ron boasted, puffing his chest up. "Clearly, she's still in love with me. She invited me to this party."

"She also invited me," Draco pointed out. 

"Yes, but you-" Ron spluttered as his face burned.

The door opened behind them, and Hermione stepped out. "You guys are late," she said pointedly. 

"Sorry, Granger," Draco replied, stepping forwards towards the door. "Mum held me up."

"Oh, how is Narcissa?" Hermione asked, holding the door open further. "I haven't seen her in forever. We'll have to have her over for tea sometime soon."


"Hi, Ron!" She exclaimed, turning to the redhead. "Glad you could make it! Come on in, grab a drink."

He walked in silently, fuming at the blonde ferret.

Behind him, Draco kissed Hermione chastely before pushing something into her hand and stalking inside. Well, trying to. Hermione had taken one glance at the book in her grasp and jumped onto his back, squealing into his ear. 

"Whoa, witch!" he exclaimed. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" she told him as she giggled in his ear and kissed him on the cheek repeatedly. "I've wanted this book forever!"

He chuckled and she jumped off his back, kissing him once more (on the lips this time) before dragging him into the party by his arm.

Inside the party, Ron watched the girl he wanted and the boy he loathed enter together. He chugged his firewhiskey and started towards them.

"Hermione, would you like to dance?" he asked as he reached the couple. 

Hermione glanced at him nervously. "Actually, Draco and I were going to dance."

"But-but I'm your friend, so your should dance with me," he told her sternly.

She laughed. "Are you my friend though?"

Draco and Hermione left without another word.

Ron watched from the sidelines with more firewhiskey as the pair swayed to the music in the middle of the floor, Malfoy's arms around his Hermione's waist.

"Ron, you came!" Harry exclaimed as he stumbled into Ron's vision, holding a butterbeer.

"Yeah, I did," he grumbled. 

"What's wrong?"

He gestured to the dance floor. "Look at Hermione and Malfoy."

Harry and Ron stared at the couple in silence for a moment.

"What the fuck?"

Ron grimaced. "I don't know. Malfoy did something to her."

"Love potion?"


"Imperius curse?"

"Also possible."

"But he did something."

"For sure."

Ron sighed. "What should I do about it?"

Harry shrugged. "You could go confront him."

"That's a great idea!" Ron squeezed Harry on the shoulder once before storming towards the dance floor where the song was coming to an end and the couples were walking away.

The blonde and brunette avoided Ron and went back to where they were before. He followed them and reached their table the second Draco pulled out a chair for Hermione and she sat down.

"What did you do to her?" he asked loudly, glaring hatefully at the blonde.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked in turn, sitting down in his own chair.

"Hermione. What did you do to her for her to speak to you? Imperius Curse?"

Hermione laughed. "Why does he need to do something illegal for me to hang out with him?"

"Because you wouldn't talk to him otherwise, obviously," he said like he was talking to a little child.

"Why not?" Hermione questioned seriously, crossing her arms.

"Because we hate him!" he exclaimed.

"No, Ronald," she snarled. "You hate him. I love him."


"You didn't know we were together?"

"Wh-no-" he spluttered. 

"Clearly not," Hermione decided. Draco smirked.

"In what world is that possible?" Ron questioned.

"This world. Duh."

Then the couple walked away, leaving Ron standing there in shock.

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