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(Sixth Year)

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(Sixth Year)

The Hogwarts express rattled down the tracks as the children inside chattered and laughed together. Alya sat with Daria Thomas-Finnigan, Roxanne Weasley and Amalie taylor as they all discussed the latest gossip going on at Hogwarts.
The four girls first met in the Ravenclaw dormitories and had stood together ever since.

"I heard that Scorpius and Albus were caught in a broom closet by McGonagall on the last day of term" Daria spoke up, throwing a sweet wrapped on the floor.

"It's about time" Roxanne replied fiddling with the laces of Alya's boots that were propped up on her lap.

"Poor McGonagall, I bet that was a sight for sore eyes" Amalie laughed shaking her head.

"I think Potter and Malfoy are cute" Alya hummed detangling her hair "though I'd rather not witness them with their tongues down each others throat, just for them to remind us of how painfully lonely we are"

"Oh don't fucking start" Roxanne laughed

"Yeah" Amalie added "you've got James chasing you 24/7. Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your position"

James Sirius Potter was loved by all. The boy had everything he could ever need. He thrived in the attention he received through the school and relished in the love students and professors would shower him in. With legendary parents, handfuls of friends and being head of the Gryffindor Quidditch team he seemed perfect to everyone.

He had everyone's attention. But the attention he longed for most he never received.

He always did want what he could never have.

Alya Hazel Hill hated James Potter. She hated his so called greatness, his cockiness, his massive ego.

She just hated him, and that why James liked her.

"Oh please" Alya rolled her eyes "I'd rather have nothing to do with that Prick at all"

"He's really not bad" Daria sighed

"Not bad?" Alya asked in disbelief "he's the most fucking irritating, arrogant person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting"

"That's a bit harsh" Amalie replied "potters just a bit... out there"

"Out there?" Alya asked looking at her "Potter-"

Alya was interrupted mid sentence when the door to their compartment was yanked open.

"Talking about me ladies?"

Daria slammed her head against the window while Amalie rolled her eyes as Roxanne put her head in her hands.

"For fuck sake" Alya muttered taking her feet off Roxanne, getting ready to brace herself

"You don't want me here?" James asked pretending to be offended, putting a hand over his heart as he sat closely to Alya making her shuffle away only for James to move closer again.

"Isn't it obvious?" Alya mumbled leaning away from him

"You wound me Hill" he pouted "and all I wanted to do was come and say hi"

"Well, you've said hi. You can leave now" she replied sending him a sarcastic smile

"I'm good actually, I think I'll stay" he grinned "can I have one?" He asked pointing to her cigarette



"What do you not understand about no? N0"

"Well that's just selfish" he spoke nudging her arm

Alya was about to retort back when the compartment door slid open once more.

"Of course you're here" Nico wood laughed shaking his head as he spotted James sat with the girls "I've been looking for you ages, the trolleys coming"

James nodded as he stood up to meet him.

"Lovely chatting with you ladies" he grinned "oh and Hill, looking hot" he winked as he waltzed away with Nico

"Well that went better than other years" Daria shrugged


I want to thank you for reading.

First chapters are always the weirdest to write.

But can we talk about how many Weasley kids there are. Like it makes my brain hurt.

I always think I've got them all then I remember like five more. It's never ending I swear.

Addictive Attraction 3 ~ J.S.P Where stories live. Discover now