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The group walked through the old beaten paths that had been walked upon by generations

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The group walked through the old beaten paths that had been walked upon by generations. The sun beat down across the cliffs as they all carried baskets full of food, drinks and things to keep them entertained. Alya had convinced them all to take the Muggle football and cricket set she'd brought and promised to show them all how to play.
Nico kept sending blasts of wind from his wand towards James making his hair puff up as the gust hit is head while Roxanne and Amalie snickered at him.
Daria and Frank walked ahead chatting about how excited they were for their last year while Alya watched them all and occasionally laughed when James would try and retaliate resulting in Nico sending a stronger blast of wind that made James nearly topple over.

Having enough of being the butt of the joke James dropped back so he was walking by the side of Alya.

He smiled mischievously before draping an arm around her shoulders as they walked. Alya rolled her eyes fighting to keep the smile off her face.

"You going to show me how to play the cricket?" James asked looking over her

"The cricket?" Alya laughed, "yeah, I'll teach you how to to play the cricket"

"I bet I'll be a natural. I mean, have you seen my quidditch skills?" He smirked


"Unfortunately?! Miss Hill I'll have you know that anyone who has witnessed me playing Quidditch has witnessed a blessing"

"Of course" Alya smirked looking at him unimpressed

James retracted his arm from her shoulder coming to a stop.

Alya turned around confusedly as to why he'd stopped.

"Pretty flowers for a pretty girl" he grinned holding out a Bouquet of what he thought were beautiful wild flowers he'd picked up from the cliffs hilltops.

Alya threw her head back laughing at James stood there, his arms outstretched with a bundle of dandelions and a few thistles in his hands.

"It's the thought that counts right?" She smiled taking them out of his hands, "thank you James. They're very pretty"

James face lit up as she took them into her hands and inspected them. She'd called him James. Not Potter. James.

"You're welcome" he beamed, "come on, the others have nearly disappeared"

James rested his arm around Alya's shoulder once again as the pair walked to catch up with the rest of the group.

They all settled down, spreading out the Picnic blanket and unpacking the food and drink.

Daria picked up the cricket bat and pretended to hit Roxanne with it while Amalie tried to trip Daria up so she'd fall onto the sand.

"We should go swimming" Frank announced looking towards the sea that glistened in the sunlight. The waves rolled and crashed before them gently caressing the warm sad that was heated by the afternoon sun.

"Last one in has to do the washing up tonight" Amalie called, taking off into a run towards the sea

"You're joking? The kitchen sinks broken!" Nico called after her


The rest of the group glanced at each other before taking off after her.

Alya plunged into the water, resurfacing seconds later pushing the hair out of her face.

"For fuck sake!" Daria whined as she was the last one to enter the water

"That's too bad" Roxanne laughed bumping her on the shoulder

"I'm going to have to wash the plates in the shitting shower" she sighed

"James, why is that kitchen sink broken?" Frank asked as he tried to dunk Nico under the waves casually

"Dunno. It's always been broken" James shrugged in response, "could never be bothered to fix it"


James is a little dumb but he's got a good heart

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