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Alya and Daria sat on the end of the Black lake, their legs crossed together with a Canvas resting on top of them

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Alya and Daria sat on the end of the Black lake, their legs crossed together with a Canvas resting on top of them.
The two girls bonded in their early years through their shared passion of Art. They chatted as they painted the Hogwarts grounds. It was one of Alya's favourite things to go. It was so therapeutic to her. To just take a step back from the chaos and magic of Hogwarts and just paint. Hogwarts had the best views, the Lake, the mountains, the forests. It was just all so captivating. 

Painting reminded her of home. She lived in a small flat on the outside of London with her mother and couldn't be more grateful for everything she had done for her. Alya understood how strong Suzanna Hill was, being a single parents was never an easy job.  That was where'd she fallen in love with her art. Alya and her mother would always gaze at the city below, watching people bustle about. They would sketch the scenery and people together.

The flat was decorated with gaudy wallpapers and potted plants. Book shelves lined fifty percent of the walls, all filled with all kinds of literature and poetry.
The counters were always scattered with homemade potted mugs that had all sorts of silly, eccentric designs and glass jam jars filled with paintbrushes.

Although she loved Hogwarts she was always glad to be back home in the little flat with her mother and their old cat. It was magic. Not the same type of magic as Hogwarts. But her own little bit of normality. It was a tremendous shock to both mother and daughter when Alya's Hogwarts letter arrived. Sure Alya had noticed that she was able to do things he mother couldn't but couldn't all children her age?

"Have you done that Potions essay set?" Daria asked as she cleaned her brush

"Urg, no. I completely forgot about that" Alya groaned as she tied her hair up into a bun to keep it out of her face.

"Me neither" Daria sighed "think we can convince Amalie to write them for us?"

"We'll take her bed sheets until she agrees. You know how much she likes to be warm when she sleeps" Alya hummed

"You're evil Miss Hill. But a genius. An evil genius"

"Work smarter not harder" she winked making Daria shake her head

"I thought you liked potions" Daria asked going back to her painting on the lake

"I do, but writing with quills is ridiculous, why can't old Sluggy let us write with pens. It would be so much easier"

"Because the wizarding world is still stuck in the fucking Medieval days" Daria replied 

"Tell me about it" Said Alya glancing over to Darias painting "what the fuck is that?" She laughed pointing over to a squiggle on Daria's Canvas.

"Shut up" Daria laughed "it's supposed to be the giant squid"

"Whattttt" Alya sung "I can't believe I didn't see it before"

"Very funny" Daria blanched elbowing her


I wanted a chapter with Alya and her friends because I feel like you don't really know her that well at all

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