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James, Remus and Lily all walked through the corridors together and into Professor McGonagalls office to meet their parents

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James, Remus and Lily all walked through the corridors together and into Professor McGonagalls office to meet their parents. Once every month Harry, Viola and Teddy would meet Professor McGonagall for tea and a chat.

"Hey mum, Dad, Ted " Lily smiled walking over and giving them a hug

"Hi Lils, boys" Harry replied hugging James and Remus.

"My favourite children" Viola smiled as she finished hugging Remus

"We're your only children" Remus quipped

"You don't know that" Viola raised an eyebrow while James and Lily pulled a face and Harry gave her a nudge "it was just a joke, merlin. You all need to loosen up"

"Plot twist, Vi actually has another seven children with seven different men" Teddy inputted from beside McGonagall

"I can neither confirm nor deny" Viola replied sending Teddy a wink which he returned with a sly smile.

"How are you all?" Harry asked ignoring Viola and Teddy "because If I find out that you and James have had another wrestling match in the common room" he said turning to Lily.

"They've been fine Potter" McGonagall started "though James here did have an incident of which you know of"

"Speaking of that" James responded "really mum? My underwear. Again?"

"What? It's the most entertaining form of punishment" Viola shrugged making Teddy nod in agreement

"Mrs Plum from next door found it especially amusing" Harry inputted from Violas side

"I can't believe your prank back fired like that" Remus laughed

"It really was tragic to watch" Lily hummed

"What happened?" Harry asked

"Well-" Lily started as James tried to stop her out of embarrassment "Alya, you know of Alya?"

"Of course" the couple sighed together as they rolled their eyes

"Well, she walked into the great hall and James tried to save her but it was too late and a load of glue and feathers fell on their heads. The second hand embarrassment was too much to endure" Lily shivered

"For merlins sake James" Harry sniggered while Viola smirked beside him

"Then Alya left him standing there like an idiot" Remus teased making James send him a glare.

"That's a pretty shit prank James. You could've done something a bit more extravagant" Teddy spoke up as Viola hummed in agreement "not that I condone it" he added as he saw McGonagalls look.

Professor McGonagall sat watching the family interact from her desk. She enjoyed watching the Potters laugh together and enjoy each others company. After the battle she didn't know if Harry or Viola would ever be the same again. But she watched them heal, grow and recover together forming a family slowly and happily.

As they laughed with their four children she couldn't help but see all the resemblances.
James Sirius looked so much like his grandfather, it was almost terrifying. His actions, the way he spoke. It was all so familiar. But it wasn't just James he reminded her off. Remus Lupins warmness radiated off of him, creating an air of comfort around the boy. Perhaps that was why he was so loved, the warmess he held was alluring.

Albus Remus looked scarily like Harry. He had the same hair, the same defined face. The only difference was his eyes. His eyes a warm dark brown like his mother's and her fathers before her. She would often find Remus in the library with scorpius Malfoy and McGonagall would smile to herself remembering Lily and Remus sat in there together, studying late into the night.

If you met Lily Rosa you might of think she was one of a kind. The type of girl you'd never meet again. But for people that knew the family, Lily Rosa was as similar as her mother. Her features the same, her personality the same. Still, her blond hair was tinted with a hint of red. A mixture of her grandmothers before her. Her eyes were the startling Green that was passed down through Harry.

Professor McGonagall felt like she was watching them all grow up once again.

Their little quirks and comments would transport her to a time of the past. A time of happiness that had now been restored once again.

This time would be different.

Those children would grow up the way their grandparents couldn't and live freely as their parents couldn't.


James, Remus, Lily and Rosa I miss you

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