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"So" Viola started smirking to Harry who also smirked back to her, "did you guys have fun the other night?"

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"So" Viola started smirking to Harry who also smirked back to her, "did you guys have fun the other night?"

Alya and James glanced back to each other quickly

"Huh?" James asked bluntly, blinking a few times as a faint blush arose in Alya's cheeks

"Wasn't there a party the other night? In the gryffindor common room? There was always parties after matches when we were at school"

Viola had pressed her face into Harry's shoulder, trying to stifle her laugher and hide her smile as Harry looked down to her and tried to keep a straight face, watching the faces of Alya and James.

"Erm Yeah" Alya finally replied, "it was a good party"

"Oh I bet it was" Viola smirked lifting her head up, away from Harry who nudged her

"Anyway. It was lovely seeing you but we best be going" Harry smiled taking Violas hand and walking away as the two parents chuckled leaving a very confused Alya and James

"What was that about?" Alya asked looking up to James

"No idea, but I'd rather not find out"

Alya had never been so relieved to be sat in the great hall finishing off her last Herbology exam. Newts had taken it out of her and she couldn't wait to start enjoying the upcoming summer.

And so as she scribbled down her last answer and the last minute ticked down to the next second she couldn't be more excited.

Roxanne had caught her eye from across the room, likewise smiling widely back, equally as happy for all studying to be over.

"Come on Alys, we're gonna enjoy ourselves" she smiled, grabbing Alya's hand and pulling her out of the hall and out towards the lake.

"I can't believe we've only got a few weeks left here" Amalie sighed as the four girls dangled their feet in the water, watching the ripples they created flutter across the surface of the lake.

"It's been great, hasn't it" Daria sighed, falling back to lay on the grass

"Perfect" Roxanne agreed

"I need all your help on the last day" Alya started

"Huh? What for?" Daria asked, her interest piqued

"Well I was planning to surprise-"

Alya was interrupted as James, Frank and Nico sauntered over. James placed a kiss to Alya's cheek as Frank did the same to Daria.

"I feel sick" Roxanne groaned eyeing the two couples

"Oh give it a rest Rox. It's cute" Amalie smiled fondly

"What were you saying you need help with Alys?" Daria asked making the whole group to her

"Oh never mind" she waved, "I'll talk to you about it later"

"Keeping secrets are we Lya?" James smirked raising an eyebrow and leaning over so his face was close to hers

"Perhaps" Alya shrugged back nonchalantly, flicking his nose

James only narrowed his eyes before leaning back and gazing across the lake, "gonna miss it here"

"Yeah. We've had some good times" Nico agreeded

"Good? More like traumatising" Frank muttered rolling his eyes in good nature

"Come on Frank you'll miss it when it's all gone" James replied glancing from the lake to Alya, "fancy another swim?"

"Potter I swear to fuck. You throw me in there again and I-"

Alya didn't even have a chance to finish her sentence before she was slung over James shoulder, him taking off into a run before jumping into the warming water, Alya in his arms.

The group chuckled to themselves before quickly following suit, diving in after them.

They all broke the surface of the water, resurfacing, spluttering and laughing as they wiped their hair from their faces, cheeks flushed and eyes filled with amusement.

James, Nico and Frank all took to swimming laps beside the bank while the girls chatted calmly as they  drifted peacefully.

Alya's peace didn't last long as she felt something brush up against.

"What was that" she squeaked, latching onto Amalies shoulder

"Perhaps the giant squids finally come for you" Roxanne said gravely

Her serious expression didn't last long as both her and Daria broke out in fits of laughter

"Shut up. It's not funny" Alya rolled her eyes

"Sorry Alys. You're too  easy to wind up"

"You're both evil" Alya scowled, however she was unable to stop the smile pulling onto her lips

A few seconds past and she felt it again, letting out another quiet squeak, "no. There's something there" she said quickly to Amalie

"It's probably nothing Alys. Just some-"

Before Amalie could finish her sentence Alya let out a shriek as she was suddenly propelled out of the water by something beneath her, thrusting her into the air.

James had swum beneath her, hoisting her up onto his shoulders while resurfacing.

As Alya finally overcame her shock her glanced down to see a familiar head to brown curls

"James you idiot! You terrified me!" She exclaimed hitting his chest

"Sorry love. I couldn't help it. I know how much the squid would freak to out" He laughed back, taking her hand in his

"Yes yes. Very funny" she sighed

"I thought so" James replied, holding onto Alya's thighs so she didn't topple off

Viola and Harry watched them from a far, laughing and swimming in the lake. They'd often walk around the grounds together as a break at any free chance.

"Why didn't we do fun things like that?" Viola asked turning to Harry

"Because I was busy trying not to die and you were busy cursing my name half the time"

"Oh yeah. But you did deserve it"

"You're not even sorry!"



Roxanne autocorrected to Rosaleé 😩

Thank you for being so patient with updates.
I've finally finished school whoop!
That was gross anyway. So I'll probably have more time for writing.

But thank you for waiting and everything. Ly <3

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