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Alya, Amalie, Roxanne and Daria walked through the corridors on their way to defence against the dark arts

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Alya, Amalie, Roxanne and Daria walked through the corridors on their way to defence against the dark arts.

The halls were oddly empty causing the girls to look at each other in confusion.

"Perhaps we're late for class?" Amalie reasoned

"Perhaps" Amalie agreed

"All I'm saying is that Professor Weasley's hair is a lovely shade" Daria shrugged

"Just say you fancy him" Alya smirked

"Just say you fancy James" Daria clapped back making Alya open and close her mouth a few times while the other girls sniggered

"Eww" Roxanne shivered, "Professor Weasley's my uncle"

"Doesn't make his shade of red hair any less attractive" Daria smiled as Amalie and Alya sent each other a concerned looks for Daria, "but do you know who is attractive Fr-"

"Hey! What's going on over there?" Amalie interrupted pointing to a large group of students further down the corridor.

The four girls ran over, Alya pushing her way through the students.

She was about to tell them all to get to lessons, being head girl, but stopped suddenly as she saw Nico next to Frank, holding James back as he yelled while Dane Rookwood stagged up from the floor, clutching his nose.

Alya's eyes widened as she noticed the blood on James' fist and the anger etched across his face.

"Get to lessons!" Nico called, "go on you nosy sods, off you go!"

The rest of the students all muttered and filtered away leaving Frank, Nico and James to glare at Rookwood as he stalked away, shooting a glare Alya's way.

She knew exactly what his problem was.

After the war, the stigma against Muggles and Muggeborns had dwindled but there were still occasional incidents involving blood purity.
Alya had learned that some particular students had a lot to say about her blood yet she always chose to ignore it, it was never a big problem and never seemed to get to her.

James winced as he tried to flex his hand, around his eye a black-blue bruise had started to appear swiftly.

"You've fucked it" Frank said looking down to his hand that seems to hold itself crooked as James winced.

"You're probably gonna have to take a trip down to Poppy" Nico said, "unlucky mate. Think Rookwoods in a worse state then you though" he reasoned

"That prick" James scoffed shaking his head

"I'll come with you to the hospital wing" Alya said inspecting James black eye

The pair walked back through the halls missing lessons on their way to the hospital wing.

"What happened?" Alya asked carefully side eyeing him.

"Rookwoods just a twat" James smiled tightly, reaching out with his good hand and interlocking their pinkies

"James" Alya pressed, "just tell me. I have a feeling I already know"

"Fine" James sighed looking away from her, "I heard him saying some horrible things about Muggles and muggleborns, when we confronted him he started saying things about you and I just lost it" he explained, "I don't want a lecture, I know you're going to tell me I shouldn't of done it"

Alya shook her head, lifting their hands to place a kiss to James' knuckle, "thank you for defending me"

James smiled gently, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his side as they walked, "of course Alys, anything for my girl"

"Dear god" Madam Pomfrey said as she shook her head trying to re-fix James' broken hand, "the amount of times you're in this hospital wing"

"Well, you know me" James smirked from the bed, "always living life on the edge. Always living life to its fullest potential"

"Oh shut up" Alya said light heartedly from her seat beside him as Madam Pomfrey finished concocting James numerous potions.


Happy birthday James F Potter 🥳 love you bestie

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