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Alya sat across the the grass looking out towards the lake finishing off her painting

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Alya sat across the the grass looking out towards the lake finishing off her painting. Glancing down at the watch her mother had gifted her for Christmas her eyes widened.

She was supposed to meet Roxanne in the library twenty minutes ago. Picking up her canvas and paints she ran back up the castle, them stacked in her arms.

Running through the corridors she had one hand holding all her supplies while the other held her skirt down while she ran, preventing it from flowing up.

Rounding the corner in a hurry she slammed into someone making her drop the canvas.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She apologised standing backwards looking at the person she'd ran into.

"Oh no, it's okay. Don't worry about it"'the blonde Hufflepuff replied waving it off and scratching the back of his neck nervously before picking up the painting.

"No, it's totally my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going" she rambled

"This is really good" he boy smiled looking over the painting that Alya had been working on for some while, "you've got a talent"

"Thank you, er..."

"Winston Adams" he replied smiling, handing the painting back

"Oh! Of course" Alya nodded, "we're in defence together right? Alya hill" she smiled introducing herself before taking back the painting he was holding out, "I'm really sorry but I've got to run. I was supposed to meet my friend to study for an essay twenty minutes ago"

"The ancient Runes one?" Winston asked as Alya nodded in confirmation, "I've finished mine already, do you need any help with it? I mean, it's not the best but I think I've got some good ideas" he suggested nervously looking past her

"That'd be great" Alya smiled in appreciation, "I think we're going to need all the help we can get"

Winston nodded before taking the art supplies out of Alya's arms so she didn't have to carry them herself as they walked through the corridors towards the library.

"Hey Rox" Alya greeted as she sat down across from Roxanne in the library, "I've brought our saving grace"

"Hi Winston" she smiled waving as the boy sat down, "where've you been Alya I've been waiting ages"

"Sorry, I lost track of time" she apologised

"It was my fault really" Winston added, "We bumped into each other in the corridor"

"Winston's finished his essay so he volunteered to help us with ours" Alya informed

"If that's okay with you?" He asked Roxanne politely to which Roxanne nodded with a gentle smile.

"Hmmm" Roxanne hummed as she and Alya walked back towards the Ravenclaw common room.

"What now?" Alya asked raising her eyebrow in amusement

"Very suspicious" Roxanne rubbed her chin jokingly

"What is?" Alya questioned laughing quietly

"Who willingly comes to the library in their free time to help two girls they've never spoken to, to complete an essay?"

"A nice person?" Alya answered, "he is a Hufflepuff after all"

"You know that's not how houses work" Roxanne rolled her eyes

"He's just a nice person Rox. Let it go" Alya waved off casually as she answered the riddle letting them into the common room.


Why is Winston he exact opposite of James?

Because Alya will realise that Winston isn't the type of boy she likes


Addictive Attraction 3 ~ J.S.P Where stories live. Discover now