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Suzanna had waved both James and Alya off, giving them both bone crushing hugs before she watched the train pull out from the station

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Suzanna had waved both James and Alya off, giving them both bone crushing hugs before she watched the train pull out from the station.

It was always hard for Alya to leave her mother. Though she knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself while Alya was gone, she always felt terrible leaving her alone.
Alya had grown up with only her mother, missing a father figure, and so from a very young age had relied heavily upon Suzanna and now Alya felt it only fair to show the same care and love that her mother had shown her. She hated the idea of leaving her alone and wished there was someone there for her, especially in her fairly late age. Alya had a tendency to worry about it too much.
James rubbed her arm discreetly as he tried to comfort her while they all met with the respective prefects to announce the patrol duties and hand out the rotas for the upcoming term.

While catching up with Daria, Amalie and Roxanne in the great hall as they tucked into the feast they discussed their various Christmas'

"So Alya" Daria smirked, "how was your Christmas?"

"Yeah" Roxanne nodded as she swallowed, "eventful?" She asked as she raised an amused eyebrow

Beside them Amalie let out a small chuckle

"Come out and say what you want to say" Alya rolled her eyes in good nature

"Did you have fun with potter then? You fucked yet?" Roxanne asked bluntly

Amalie and Alya winced while Daria only cackled

"Well?" Roxanne asked smirking

"We're waiting" Daria added

"You're both so embarrassing" Alya whispered as her face flushed red

"You did!?" Daria exclaimed

Alya flinched, "be quiet daria! N-"

"Hey guys!" Lily Rosa waved as she sat down across from the girls at the ravenclaw table, "I think I know what conversation I've just walked into and let me tell you I'm disgusted" she smiled sarcastically making the four older girls laugh, "Alys thank you for taking James away for Christmas, it was so peaceful without him" Lily sighed, "anyway, I've a message from Mum- sorry Professor Potter" Lily corrected with a chuckle, "she wanted to know if you'd join us tonight, we usually have a little supper thing the first evening back in her office. Just McGonagall, Potter and I. We want you come since you're basically family now so yeah"

"I'd love to come" Alya nodded happily, "what time were you thinking?"

"Around eight I think. It's just us girls and we usually just eat cake in Pyjamas, it's quite fun. Though mum always somehow manages to get wasted by sneaking fire whiskey. One time she managed to make McGonagall a little tipsy. It was a right sight" Lily smirked

"It sounds it" Alya laughed, "I wouldn't miss it"

"Great,I'll see you in a bit" Lily beamed, "it was nice to see you girls" she nodded to Alya's friends before she walked off and found her seat again next to Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley at the Gryffindor table.

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