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James was snapped out of his daze of staring at Alya from across the hall as Lily Rosa hit him around the head

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James was snapped out of his daze of staring at Alya from across the hall as Lily Rosa hit him around the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"I've been talking to you for the past 10 minutes" she rolled her eyes "I might as well have been talking to a brick wall this entire time. It would probably be more interesting"

"Charming" James blanched picking up his knife and fork, starting to eat "what do you want?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm the irritating one. That's your job"

"Get to the point Lils"

"I was asking you when the next training session for quidditch is"

"Well you have to get through try outs first" he explained taking a sip of juice

"Yeah I know that but Ill obviously make the team. So, as I asked before... when's the next training session"

James rolled his eyes as he put his cup down "I don't know. I'll let you know when I know"

"Thank you James for this very helpful conversation" she smiled sarcastically as she waved him goodbye and headed back over to her friends waving to McGonagall as she passed.

James went back to staring at Alya while she laughed with her friends at the Ravenclaw table before Nico waved his hand infront of his face.

"Oi! James! Helloooo" he waved

"Sorry, yeah?"

Nico sniggered as he elbowed Frank Longbottom next to him

"He's so whipped"

"It's a bit embarrassing mate" Frank laughed as James rolled his eyes at them

"Fuck off" he mumbled as McGonagall came walking up to them.

"Mr Potter, mind your language" she scolded "I have your timetables for this year" she said handing the Gryffindor boys their timetables

"Mcgon!" James exclaimed "how very lovely to see you this morning, how are you? Well I hope"

"I'm well Mr Potter, thank you" she replied handing the boys their timetables "I have a message from your mother, she says that if she gets another owl home regarding your behaviour his year she will hang your underwear on the chimney again"

Nico and Frank snickered next to James who elbowed them in the ribs.

"She wouldn't dare" James replied as his face went slightly red from embarrassment

"Oh I'm afraid your mother would, Mr Potter" McGonagall spoke trying to hide her smile "now I suggest you all finish off your food and head to your dorms ready for your first day of lessons" she nodded walking away as she handed out the rest of the timetables.

"Your Mum can-" Nico started

"Don't you dare finish that" James warned as Frank cackled beside him as they all rose from the table and started walking back to the Gryffindor common room.

Alya, Amalie, Roxanne and Daria all chatted as they laid in their beds in their dorm.

"Shoot, kiss, marry... Professor Slughorn, Professor Trewlawny or Professor Longbottom" Amalie asked Alya.

"Okay... shoot Professor Trewlawny, that bitch crazy. Kiss Slughorn-"

"Ew! What the fuck?!" Roxanne blanched

"What? I'm failing Potions" Alya defended "I need to pass somehow"

"Didn't Slughorn catch you making out with Lorcan Scamander last year?" Amalie laughed

"Maybe, maybe not" Alya continued raising her eyebrows "and Marry Professor Longbottom. He looks like he gives good hugs"

"No matter how weird that sounds I know what you mean" Daria agreed

"You both need therapy" Roxanne piped up from her bed "get help"


McGonagall I missed you luv

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I love yous xo

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