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Alya and James had decided to stay out in the common room the entire night

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Alya and James had decided to stay out in the common room the entire night. They didn't have lessons in the morning meaning that they could do whatever they wanted over the weekend.

Alya sat in her Chucky cardigan leaning her back on one end on the Sofas arm while James leaned back his back on the other, his jumpers sleeves rolled up from the heat of the fire. Their legs intertwined on the cushions in between them.

The whole night the pair had chatted animatedly about anything and everything. James would spurt out jokes that would make Alya laugh, she herself would also slip some into conversation making James chuckle.

The morning autumn light streamed in through the curtains as the sun rose upon the mountains.

The outside corridors were silent as majority of Hogwarts students chose to sleep in during the weekends. Condensation gathered on the old rickety windows as the gentle crackle of the fire hissed behind their laughter and chatter.

Their dorm smelt of wood fire, ink and parchment. James' broom polish bottle stood on the table on top of a pile of Alya's favourite Transfiguration books.

"I thought you had Quidditch training this weekend?" Alya asked resting her head on a cushion looking to James

"I do" he replied

"Won't you be tired? You've not slept"

"I'll be fine" he waved off

Alya gave him an unsure look before trusting him.

"You know" James started, "I never did find out what you smelt in the Amortentia"

"You are stupid you know" she laughed

"Wow Hill"

"Just a little bit" she smiled, pinching her fingers together to show James the size of how stupid he was, "why don't you guess?" She suggested

"Okay..." James said thinking for a moment, "paint?"


"That coffee you have every morning?"


"That cherry shampoo you use?"


"The smell of your mums cardigan?"


"Herbal Tea?"


"I give up" James smiled tiredly rolling his eyes.

"I'll give you a clue" Alya said sitting up

"A clue?" James asked amused

Alya hummed in confirmation, moving across the sofa.

James only watched her near, awaiting the clue.

Alya settled beside him reaching up and cupping his cheek, she didn't have to turn his head, he was already looking at her.

"You ready for your clue?"


James was cut off as Alya placed a short gentle kiss to his lips.

James didn't do anything but freeze. His eyes widened as Alya pulled away and settled back down into the sofa.

"Wh-... did-..."

James stopped stuttering while a beaming grin pulled across his lips and a pink flush spread across his cheeks.

He grasped Alya's head in his hands pulling her into him, before kissing her back properly.

His lips grazed her slowly, as if he was scared to hurt her. Alya laughed against him at his shyness.

It was a strange thing to see James Potter a blushing nervous wreck, but she quite liked it.

James placed his hand on her cheek, stroking his thumb across it softly. Pulling back he pecked a freckle on her other cheek.

"So what was the clue?" He smirked making Alya roll her eyes in good nature before punching his shoulder

"Idiot. An absolute idiot!"



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