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Alya and Winston walked through the streets of Hogsmeade towards the three broomsticks

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Alya and Winston walked through the streets of Hogsmeade towards the three broomsticks. A loud silence hung over them as the pair had come to a dead end in the conversation. There was only so much you could talk about in Literature. Winston could tell Alya was starting to become bored with the conversation and tried to change it to something else.

They switched from the weather, to the temperature, to how tired they were and how excited they were for the summer. Each as boring as the next.

Sitting down in the Three Broomsticks Winston ordered them some butter beers.

"So..." he started, "there's a Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff Quidditch match coming up"

"Oh yeah" Alya nodded, "there is"

"Do you play?"



"Do you play?"



Alya wanted to disappear within herself. Whenever she'd hung out with Winston as friends their conversation had always been nice and seemed to flow.

She shut her eyes in frustration and awkwardness as James, Nico and Frank walked into the pub.

James and Alya's eyes instantly met before James glanced over to Winston. He nodded to Alya in greeting before scowling at Winston and walking off to find a seat with his friends.

"She's on a date?!" James exclaimed as he sat down next to Frank, "a fucking date!"

"Calm down mate" Frank said looking around the pub trying to quieten James down as people had started to stare.

"Well If it makes you feel any better she looks miserable" Nico said as he peered around the corner to Alya and Winston

"Yeah. It does a little" James laughed, "you can't really get any better than me so of course their dates shite"

"You might need to tone it down a little if you want Alya to like you" Frank hummed taking a sip of his drink

"Right" James nodded as a group of girls sat near their table all giggling and glancing at the three boys, "but it doesn't make it untrue"

"Will you shut up?" Frank sighed rolling his eyes

"Do you want to head out?" Winston asked Alya breaking the silence. The two had been sat staring at their empty glasses for the past ten minutes unable to find anything to talk about.

Alya wasn't necessarily a quiet person but a mixture of her and Winston just seemed to clash in the worst way possible.

"Yeah" Ayla agreed nodding her head in relief as they made their way out of the pub and into the streets of Hogsmeade.

She could practically feel James' stare on her back as she left.

A wave of regret washed over her suddenly.

The orchid and note was kind of... sweet.

Brushing it off she followed Winston through the winding streets back to the carriages.


Ok but why is this so bad and short?

Boris has announced we're going back to school and that we have to be tested for covid while there.
I don't think I can cope with the image of pedo Packington the from the school office shove a cotton bud down my friends throats

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